A Deal is a Deal! (in Public Record)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 29 2012 10:17 PM EST

In Reference to this Thread :

Dudemus/Kefeck via Zen

I Co-Signed for Kefeck to get Dudemus' Char, as he has not fulfilled the deal from his side I will have to take over that roll. Now I do owe Lil Z $200 for Windwalker's current char and as soon as I yank my sorry behind out of personal debt I will be paying him off. As soon as I pay him off I will be honoring the deal with Dudemus and Kefeck and pay off the $300 char debt as promised in the original thread!

AdminNightStrike November 29 2012 11:19 PM EST

Dude, that blows

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2012 12:26 AM EST

You make your bed you lie in it.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2012 12:57 AM EST

Sundari was kind enough to help out when it was needed and has been uber quiet on the CBD owed so since I made some free CBD so to speak here you go. Thank you for being so patient!

Zenai (Horror) SundariZelia
(Nocturnal Spaghetti) $3000000 -- 7 Mil Owed 12:55 AM EST

TH3 C0113CT0R November 30 2012 2:26 AM EST

That is straight up Zen! I know its not much but I offer this to try and help you out.

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) SundariZelia
(Nocturnal Spaghetti) $2000000 -- donation - zenia deb 2:25 AM EST

Dudster4 November 30 2012 8:05 AM EST

Dudster4 (ELB Team) SundariZelia (Nocturnal Spaghetti) $3000000 8:05 AM EST

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2012 8:42 AM EST

Wow thanks for assist gentlemen!

So 2 Mil owed now Sundi!

dj1914 November 30 2012 9:01 AM EST

I am sending you the 2 million dollars.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2012 11:00 AM EST

Zenai (Horror) SundariZelia
(Nocturnal Spaghetti) $2000000 -- Paid in Full! 10:58 AM EST

Honestly Guys I am Humbled Thankyou!

TH3 C0113CT0R December 1 2012 1:35 AM EST

Your very welcome! And no worries if I had more to offer I would!

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] December 1 2012 4:57 PM EST

thanks for the pr post zen, sorry it has come to this.

i know our rule about recovery of items but i do really wish in situations such as this that the items could at least be sent to the person making the payments.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2012 5:08 PM EST

No worries Dudemus, even though Kef has not been on in a while I am sure he has a good reason. Besides I am the one that pushed this deal so it is my responsibility. In short it's all good :-D
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