Anyone miss me? I'm finally back.
Good to be back, Zenai. Here's hoping I really get back into the swing of things; it's been way too long. :P
Ehhhhh it's like riding a never truly forget >:-D
The forums will come alive now that you're here :)
I welcome your contributions.
Bounty Hunter
December 1 2012 1:14 AM EST
Welcome and yes "we will add your likeness to our own" :)
Heh, I'll try to be an active face on the forums. :|b No guarantees, though!
/me stumbles out of the cyrostasis chamber and wonders if he awoke too early.
Muahahahahah you did!
/me bites your face off
If I compare the activity now with the activity of roughly 6 years ago... Sad panda is sad... :'(
Yeah. CB forums have really gone downhill in that regard. :S
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