Reviewers.. (in Off-topic)

AdminNightStrike May 27 2013 6:38 PM EDT

Is anyone available to look over a fairly technical paper that I'm writing?

Demigod May 27 2013 8:31 PM EDT

Submitting another article to Hustler?

DoS May 27 2013 8:47 PM EDT

What is the paper about? That would determine whether I have the intellectual capacity to handle it. Haha.

Bounty Hunter May 27 2013 8:55 PM EDT

Review the subject matter or for grammar purposes?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 27 2013 9:06 PM EDT

Yes, so long as you don't need a content edit.

AdminNightStrike May 27 2013 11:28 PM EDT

Real time plasma control

To review for anything
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