Salvage Yard Question (in General)

DoS July 28 2013 1:54 PM EDT

Ranged Weapon.................................Old type.................Time Since Morphing
An Assassin's Crossbow [4x3210] (+66) Enforcer's Crossbow 00:00:33

I purchased a named axbow of the auction market recently, it went by the name of 'Deceit'. I disenchanted it and then figured if I changed my unnamed exbow into the named axbow that it would keep its naming. That didn't happen. I now have an unnamed axbow. I was expecting the type of ranged weapon and its naming of power to transfer to my exbow.

So my question is whether this was the intended effect or not.

Newlin [SeeD] July 28 2013 5:16 PM EDT

As far as I understand it that is how it is intended.

That way if you change your large, named weapon it retains its naming after each conversion.

miteke [Superheros] July 28 2013 11:01 PM EDT

It makes sense because you would not expect the name of the consumed item to stick.

DoS July 29 2013 12:52 AM EDT

Damn, so there really wasn't a money efficient way of get the naming from the axbow to the exbow.
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