Modifiers and Damages should be displayed post sta (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer November 8 2013 1:11 PM EST

I am talking about the bonus from AoL & BF and the ES bleed damage and any other equipment. I am doing about 20million in bleed damage vs AtomicBoys character and there is no record of it.

Newlin [SeeD] November 8 2013 1:51 PM EST

I can see why the leadership isn't displayed - it will change throughout the fight depending if your leadership minion is alive or not.

I agree on there being a record of ES bleed damage though. I don't see why it couldn't be lumped with the physical damage from that weapon or as a secondary stat.

Unappreciated Misnomer November 8 2013 4:18 PM EST

but thats the beautiful part about post battle stats, its at the end of a fight so you should see any modifiers like AoL or Rituals applied.

QBRanger November 8 2013 6:36 PM EST

This was brought up a while ago. Due to the AoL and BoF having a benefit depending on who is still alive each round, it would have required a lot more coding for the stats to be displaced each round. At the time Jon and NS both thought there were many other more required things to program. Now....

As to the ES, I got nothin'.

Unappreciated Misnomer November 8 2013 7:59 PM EST

The ES is just bleed damage at the end of each round, I mena RoBF and GA damage are tallied. Really all Im asking in regards to the AoL and BF is that the post battle reflects where you stand post battle. so post battle st and dx. it cannot be that hard to code a request.

not like it matters amirite?

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 9 2013 7:19 AM EST

Lol I don't think it matters as there is no one to code x].

Adminedyit [Superheros] November 9 2013 7:22 AM EST

Last login: Jul 1
that's the last time NS was on, i'd have to assume it's safe to say the powers that be no longer care about this game...

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 9 2013 7:23 AM EST

At least they are still remembering to pay for the server?

Newlin [SeeD] November 9 2013 11:40 AM EST

At least they are still remembering to pay for the server?

As long is that the case I am at the very least satisfied.
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