I am reopening Nem's bank under a limited capacity. Limited as in the max loan I am willing to give out will be 5 million. The interest will be a flat 5% and this is including the xfer cost.
Well, we will see how this turns out.
Current Loans
Johnny B
March 10 2014 8:58 PM EDT
I'm interested in getting a loan to buy a business. I'm looking for a loan amount of 3 million. This business will be in the United States. Please contact me if you can help me in this venture. Thank You
Hehe, I wish I had the money to be dealing in USD. Sadly CBD only.
Johnny B
March 11 2014 6:35 AM EDT
Can you help me in anyway? If not, do you know of someone that can offer me a loan?
March 11 2014 1:28 PM EDT
This is a game not a loan shark company!?
March 11 2014 2:16 PM EDT
Perhaps CB has been a front this whole time!
NS been laundering the big monies ;)
What is CB the oldest Silk road? lol I just called the NSA with this post!
Laundering without pants isn't breaking well for us. ;)
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