It's my Birthday! (in Off-topic)

Newlin [SeeD] March 14 2014 1:40 PM EDT

I'll just be having a nice dinner and enjoying the company of a couple friends but it should be a good one!

21 years into life and I've spent nearly 6 of them on CB, granted with a few breaks.

Mythology March 14 2014 1:53 PM EDT

HAppy birthday Newlin! :) !0K to "WarDancers" ty and many happy returns :D

Unappreciated Misnomer March 14 2014 2:40 PM EDT

happy b day yo!

Wasp March 14 2014 3:30 PM EDT

Happy Birthday! Go mental!

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] March 14 2014 3:31 PM EDT

Happy birthday bud. Be safe and have fun.

AdminG Beee March 14 2014 3:51 PM EDT

Happy birthday, hope you have a great day.

You share your special day with my youngest daughter :)

Achertontus [Sneezels] March 14 2014 4:47 PM EDT

Merry drunkday!!!

Thraklight Resonance March 14 2014 5:41 PM EDT

Happy birthday! G Beee may be matchmaking!

REVOLUTION March 14 2014 5:48 PM EDT

LOL, unless his youngest daughter is actually THREE YEARS OLD and her birthDAY is just the same as Newlin's!! TROLOLOOOOOL!!!!!! Happy Birthday!! Enjoy being a year closer to your DEMISE!!

Fishead March 14 2014 7:03 PM EDT

Happy Birthday Acorn Boy!
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