Similar Games (in General)

Armando July 15 2014 8:51 AM EDT

Are there any games out there that are similar to this? Looking for some games that can kill time.

Herbstwind [The Knighthood] July 15 2014 11:10 AM EDT

When you spend your last BA and try to fight again you should see a page (which may be a little outdated) with a few suggestions for games that caught the eye of CB players in the past.

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] July 15 2014 12:08 PM EDT

If you are looking for another text based game you should try Torn. I've been playing a little over a year and am on that everyday as well.

This is my referral address. If you decide to play hit me up and I'll help you get started with weapons and cash.

{CB1}Bio July 15 2014 5:00 PM EDT

Does Torn have random drops/random aspects to the game at all?

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] July 16 2014 12:44 PM EDT

Yes it does. Occasionally while clicking through some of the city sections you'll get a random item. It also has factions and jobs, education, stat building, etc.

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] July 16 2014 12:46 PM EDT

It is not an incredibly fast game though. It takes time and if you have patience can be very fun.
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