New Admin! (in General)

AdminQBVerifex September 27 2014 5:36 PM EDT

Everyone join me in welcoming Tal as a new full admin!

Have mercy on us all! ;)

AdminTal Destra September 27 2014 5:39 PM EDT

No need for mercy on Carnage Blender.

It does feel great to have these powers!


Just kidding, but seriously I'm ready for a tournament!

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] September 27 2014 6:34 PM EDT

This can only end in one of two ways....

Congrats Tiger!!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] September 27 2014 8:54 PM EDT

Cake or death?

AdminTal Destra September 27 2014 9:11 PM EDT

Gun wins this round.

Hit the nail directly on the head there buddy.

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] September 27 2014 9:14 PM EDT

The cake is a lie!!

AdminTal Destra September 27 2014 9:25 PM EDT

Oh I get itナ I'm the deathbringer.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] September 28 2014 9:46 PM EDT

I'm sure you can speak jive fine, but don't think you have the legs for the job.

AdminTal Destra September 28 2014 10:51 PM EDT

fixed your post gunny bunny

DoS September 28 2014 11:16 PM EDT

This is quite a surprise!

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] September 29 2014 11:21 PM EDT

Congrats on the adminship!
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