Insanity Erupts! (in Changelog)
Since we now have an almost nonexistent user base, and we admins would like to keep the rest of you and entice our old users back we have decided to do something unheard of.
*In Oprah's voice*
You get a NUB! And you get a NUB! And you get a NUB!
Anyone who wants can now abandon their old account to start a new NUB.
You may start as many NUBs as you want, so long as the previous account is banished.
You may transfer your items from your persona to the new account if you wish.
You MUST post in Public Record the names of the accounts. Failure to do so will let AdminEdyit do nasty things to you.
The only thing anyone really loses on this is a name and an original starting date. Don't let that stop you!
Have fun everyone!
Sorry. I just didn't believe what I was reading. I hit the floor a little hard upon fainting.
Lets just allow Bots while we are at it.
its not the first of april
your a little early for this joke
no joke.
botting is still bad.
think of this as a reward for the 20 or so loyal cbers ;8^)
February 2 2015 5:59 PM EST
Every time I log on I think I should just DE everything and make a giant TSA. Glad I haven't done that.
If you have a bunch of characters with equipment, how is the transfer done?
The only thing anyone really loses on this is a name and an original starting date.
..but that is all I have ;)
see it as a reward? i see it as a reward to start a new char with nub instead of ncb, maby then i would consider it but starting a new account? no thanks
aod, you get to start a new account with a nub, you can transfer all your stuff to that account, then abandon it. just let us know in public record the name of the new account.
For those of you that see this as a bad thing, you don't have to start a new account for a nub. this was done as something nice for the 20 or so odd players that still log in to burn ba.
February 3 2015 2:54 PM EST
If I don't have enough money to transfer everything, can I log on and do it later?
February 3 2015 10:05 PM EST
Is this thing still on?
When i create a new account it says the usual proxy disallowed stuff. I can log in on my account, but not allowed when i create a new one.. sigh
edy i dont want a new account, ill keep my account no matter what
you can keep your nub
thats perfectly fine to aod, no one is forcing you into making a new one if you dont want to, but if you do the option is there
I don't think this is happening. So far everyone is still via proxy blocked and they are ignoring the questions who has made a new account.
February 4 2015 11:36 PM EST
Holy crap cakes! Everyone is now insane!! :)
February 5 2015 12:32 PM EST
Hi guys! I miss this game :( I still check in periodically... like once every couple of weeks... to see if anything has happened that might give me reason to come back. This isn't enough :( I'll have a NUB, but CB still has too small of a user base. I hope some people get some fun out of the change though.
February 6 2015 6:03 PM EST
Do we have to pay for supportership again? lol
February 16 2015 6:10 PM EST
This is actually quite awesome.
*arise long dead thread arise!*
new accounts are now enabled. so anyone interested in making a nub please make a post in public record with name and other details
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