sadly not much, just keep enjoying what was once a great game and an even better community, made some good friends here and a ton of good memories.
says you but i kinda agree and its all edys fault for going away!!!
April 27 2015 8:47 PM EDT
Did NS get a chance to look at the new account thing?
the email i received back from him stated he was in india on business and when he had a more stable internet connection he would look at it
April 28 2015 12:41 PM EDT
I think there's enough users who check the site who would be willing to participate in a revival, someone needs to spearhead it though. I really don't think CB SHOULD die, I KNOW there are people out there that would enjoy this game a lot, but it's got to be a group effort.
April 28 2015 3:35 PM EDT
I think the game is dead. Times have moved on! Especially with all the games on the phones that are similar to this, but with full graphics!
The thing that kept everything going was the rush you got from getting the rares etc. Without that the game just got a little boring!
Such a shame. In any case, any revival surely would be in the form of an App. Thats probably the only way to get this game going again!!
April 28 2015 5:01 PM EDT
So, new idea.
We get together and create a new beer brew.
We'll call it... Um... Hoppage Blender.
Then we sell it to fund the game AND give it away as prizes for tournaments and such.
We'll all be rich.
your answer to everything is beer little beeee
someone needs to mae a cb3 with graphs, problem solved
I vote that AoD pays a graphics designer to build us a revolutionary game engine and create us a game.
Dude, things like this take a ton of money/time, which most of us do not have brother man.
"Especially with all the games on the phones that are similar to this, but with full graphics!"
I'd love to know the names of those games! :)
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