I haven't been on recently, regretfully.
Anything new?
November 18 2015 9:53 AM EST
Don't know if anyone actually here. I'm just spending some boring time here.
November 18 2015 12:18 PM EST
Feeling like starting up again; might make a NUB soon.
I'm kind of here, nothing new though.
November 19 2015 5:40 PM EST
I pop by every now and again. I half expect the website to not open...
... I'm happy when it does each time.
Thoughts about making a game that works on a mobile phone?
November 20 2015 3:31 AM EST
I have exp with unity engine/C# and would be glad to help in any way I can
to be here or not to be here thats the question
November 22 2015 2:40 PM EST
The only way this game will ever make it back will be on an application that is compatable with android and iphones.
Will need some graphics as well. And you will need a better store system. "multiple stores" so you ssee a different store each time. That way you can camp again without cheating : )
I dunno. Somethng like that!
Anyone play Clash of Clans?
AdminG Beee
November 23 2015 4:18 PM EST
As with most, just popping by every other day or so.
Wasp has apparently never seen the ugliness behind the beauty of Carnage Blender. The coding is such a hodgepodge of sliced together tidbits just to get this running. I don't believe graphics and/or mobile is going to be possible unless we start from scratch.
carnage blender 3, go get cracking
I would love a CB3 as well. Coming up on 14 years since finding this game and feeling nostalgic tonight so I popped in.
I just popped in for the first time in a few years actually. I take it this place is mostly dead? I used to have a lot of fun thinking up strategies here
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