I'm feeling festive and am willing to bestow 2000 ba to anyone that wants it. post here if you'd like a present!
Happy Holidays to you both
Thanks Edyit
Happy holidays
December 4 2015 12:03 AM EST
Hope i can get in. Got lots of catching up to do.
Wouldn't mind as well, if this is still going.
Happy holidays btw ;)
happy holidays
and no thx for the ba
Happy holidays!
Maybe I'll start an ncb, is that still a thing?
Happy Holidays everyone!
Merry Christmas!
Happy whatever-you-celebrate to everyone!
December 11 2015 5:01 AM EST
anyone in here able to spare a few minutes to give me a few pointers? havent played CB in years and im rusty!!
December 21 2015 5:55 AM EST
Can I get 2nd round of 2000 BA?
>Can I get 2nd round of 2000 BA?
Sure can you and anyone else that wants another round of ba let me know, consider it an early christmas to you guys :)
December 21 2015 11:41 AM EST
what happens in game during christmas?
we all hold hands and sing kumbaya
December 21 2015 1:08 PM EST
also yeah, work is dead today so 2000 more BA would be rad
December 22 2015 4:16 PM EST
I would like a 2nd round!
December 22 2015 4:17 PM EST
wait. people are getting 2nd rounds? damn yo. ill take 2000 more!
Thanks!!! Merry Christmas!
December 26 2015 5:05 PM EST
lol. do we get more BA for New years? ;)
December 27 2015 2:19 AM EST
Hope everyone had a great holiday this year. Happy New Year CB!
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