Mutinous Lot
February 28 2016 8:50 PM EST
The same person owns both Isengoethe and Valthzar. He's transferring items from one to the other, and now today moved one character completely to the first. How is that fair? Isengoethe was doing all his battles, then valthzar would log on and do his, both having the same fight list. Now his first account gets the benefits of both accounts? Sore loser here.
The only transaction between the two is
Isengoethe (Valthzar) Valthzar (Bye) $2151745 11:13 AM EST
That being said, it is possible they are a multi-account due to the name being the same between the Valthzar account and the character on the Isengoethe account. Unless the Admins did a character transfer.
Mutinous Lot
February 28 2016 9:52 PM EST
I don't know how to post screenshot, but go to community, transfer logs, time period all, filter the blacksmith etc.
February 28 2016 11:04 PM EST
ctrl+printscreen will get you a screenshot.
Mutinous Lot
February 29 2016 1:09 AM EST
Lol coolwater. I can take them from my phone, but there is no upload unless I want to go make an account somewhere to fileshare.
Isengoethe / Valthzar was spoken to about the use of multiple accounts at the same time. Since he is a new user I used some discretion instead of draconian justice, and allowed him to transfer everything over to 1 account and keep just 1 account.
and in a round about way we have relaxed the multi rule since there are maybe 20 or so people that play now.
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