15M MPR!!!: Congrats to Joel! (in Public Record)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 27 2022 4:25 PM EDT


Jomsvikings July 27 2022 4:44 PM EDT

Nice Job Bro, Congrats!

MuscleFarm (Joel) July 27 2022 8:19 PM EDT

THANNKS YA'LL!!!!! I have a lot of ya'll to thank for this milestone!!! Piper, the Devs, and those helping me raise Scores, right now!!! I'm going to pay it forward with the highest Scores ya'll have ever seen!!!!! :D)))))))))))

Jomsvikings July 27 2022 8:48 PM EDT

Glad I was here for the milestone. Thank you for the Iron Will to keep it going!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 28 2022 5:44 AM EDT


DestraPool [Porthcawl] July 28 2022 3:22 PM EDT


Team Avatar [Porthcawl] July 28 2022 8:23 PM EDT

Love it!

Piper -- you're up, let's see 16,000,000+!!
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