Returning player (in General)

Stytchx3 [The Templars] April 18 4:31 PM EDT

It has been many many years since I played CB and unfortunately I do not remember my old account with all my items, so I am forced to start over. When I used to play rare items still spawned in the store. I really wish there was a way I could get into my old account, but it has been so long.

With the diminished player base and the way rare items now spawn into auctions, how are players supposed to acquire the better items? I realize with some great luck you could buy what you need in quick succession from auctions, but realistically this can take awhile. There arenメt any for sale posts in the forum as well which further limits newer accounts from obtaining rare items. Am I missing something in regard to acquiring rare items?

Stytchx3 [The Templars] April 18 6:41 PM EDT

Nvm got into my old account through sheer dumb luck

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 19 9:04 AM EDT

Make posts with what you're looking for, those of us playing often have what you need. I sent you that ToA you asked for, enjoy!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 19 4:07 PM EDT

Zenai (The Immortals) Stytchx3 (Enoch) A Tattoo of Augmentation ($11031) -- A Gift, enjoy! ;-) 4:05 PM EDT

Just saw Novice got to it before me. No worries keep it I have TONS of stuff and no

Jomsvikings April 20 9:41 PM EDT

Woot! Glad to see you back!
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