Following on from last years success OddBird has once again organised a boasting contest. Again I've excluded myself to allow others a chance to win :)
A shortlist has been created and it's time for you to select our winner.

Total of 91 votes

[Boaster]CyBorgin 16.5
Sefton 35.2
sutekh137 12.1
Frod 22.0
Verifex 14.3



Need I say More?

-- DrAcO5676

5th...yay me...

i got the fifth vote...not that anyone cares anymore, not like they did in cb1... I voted Frod ^_^

-- [CB1]-Kratos(X.x)

Frod, cause he ain't kiddin...

-- AdminQBnovice

Frod, most definitely.

-- SNK3R


-- Miandrital


For the Win!

-- Admin{CB1}Slayer333

2nded Slayah!

-- Flamey

Go Go Frod

-- Silatt


An easy sweep for CyBorgin. His opponents boasted like amateurs, and kept trippin over their own words. He annihilated them all 1 by 1, it was like Spring Cleaning or so they say it.

-- UncleKracker


I'm completely ashamed of you people. This isn't a popularity contest. Sefton did well, but Cyborgin clearly blew him out of the water. Maybe next time we have a poll we need to have mystery contestants? Jeez.

-- BadFish

I voted Frod. Why??

Well, I'm not that high-and-mighty. I personally feel I did a great job, but if I wouldn't vote for myself, I'd vote Frod. And I did vote Frod. Not myself.

-- Goodfish

The Truth

[Boaster]CyBorgin = the most inventive poet.

However, Sutekh and Frod can obviously boast better.

-- Stephen Young

Voted Frod!!!

Maybe he will win.

-- Zacharia Andrew Pa!n