Kill Theme Tune? 10K prize (in Contests)

Mythology May 1 2005 2:39 PM EDT

Simple contest, will run a series of them. Its taken from an old game on radio one. Okay, you simply have a topic such as "A greeting" then come up with songs for it, for example "Lionel Richie - Hello". Or for "Thinking about the past" - "those were the days - Kirsty McCall" (sp?) or "The Beatles - Yesterday".

This topic is "Just after you've beaten an opponent"
x2 Obvious

TWIST : Your suggestions must be the best, not most obvious, a list of most obvious suggestions will be sent to someone each time to verify. If you suggest an obvious one you will be awarded a "NO IMAGINATION" fee :p and must send 5K to "Kindle" to go to the pot.

Winner is simply the best suggestion, contest will run for a day or so, maybe less if many entrants.

QBRanger May 1 2005 2:45 PM EDT

I have no idea what your saying about no imagination but the obvious:

Another one bites the dust by Queen.

InebriatedArsonist May 1 2005 2:49 PM EDT

In this case I believe the best song and the most obvious song are one and the same. I'll have to go with "Gonna Fly Now," AKA the theme from Rocky.

Mythology May 1 2005 2:50 PM EDT

Ranger wins 1st : "NO IMAGINATION" Award

If he can understand a clear sentence, then the pot will is increased to 15K by him sending 5K to Kindle, if he fails to then it's still 10K...

Now only one obvious one remains...

QBBarzooMonkey May 1 2005 2:54 PM EDT

Metallica - "For Whom The Bell Tolls"
Iron Maiden - "Die With Your Boots On"

AdminShade May 1 2005 2:55 PM EDT

"If he can understand a clear sentence, then the pot will is increased"

will is increased? will be* :P

Mythology May 1 2005 2:59 PM EDT

Sorry didnt make it clear, its just the song name and artist not the actual content of the song being looked for... So my entry would have been;
"Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams"

Majestik Moose May 1 2005 3:10 PM EDT

Colonel Hathi's March (The Jungle Book).
I have no clue about who is doing the voice.

Majestik Moose May 1 2005 3:14 PM EDT

hmmm.. missed the latest post.. well.. I'll think of something new

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] May 1 2005 3:15 PM EDT

Offspring-Time to Relax

QBBarzooMonkey May 1 2005 3:23 PM EDT

Okay, then.
Scandal "Goodbye To You"
GreenDay - "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"

Majestik Moose May 1 2005 3:30 PM EDT

Aiming to get that NO IMAGINATION fee...

The winner takes it all - ABBA
Live and let die - Paul McCartney

and for last:
Did you get healed - Van Morrison

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] May 1 2005 3:34 PM EDT

AC/DC-Walk All Over You
The Doors-The End

Mountain Man May 1 2005 4:03 PM EDT

Sole Survivor or, Ride The Sky by Helloween

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] May 1 2005 4:15 PM EDT

Suicide is Painless , AKA the MASH theme.

bartjan May 1 2005 4:16 PM EDT

Loser, by Beck.

GnuUzir May 1 2005 4:21 PM EDT

Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?- Culture Club :P

bartjan May 1 2005 4:31 PM EDT

If the radio station has a Dutch audience: "Als je wint heb je vrienden" (If you win you have friends) by "Doe Maar" ;P

Devil Burrito May 1 2005 4:44 PM EDT

Dont You forget about me

YingYangG12 May 1 2005 4:47 PM EDT

(depending if your dude is good or bad)
"I Stand Alone" Godsmack
"My Way" Limpbizket
"Click Click Boom" Saliva

Dont hurt meeeee....I'm weak....;.; *hides*

Blarg May 1 2005 7:18 PM EDT

"Violence" - Blink-182
"Easy Target"- Blink-182
"It wasn't enough"- Good Charlotte
"Hit the floor"- Linkin Park
"Born to kill"- Matthew Good Band
"Indestructible"- Matthew Good
"Put out your lights"- Matthew Good
"Day of the Dead"- American Psycho
"Another Hole in the Head"- Nickelback
"Learn the Hard Way"- Nickelback
"Kaboom"- Out of your Mouth
"Bug"- Out of your Mouth
"Blood to Bleed"- Rise Against
"Swing Life Away"- Rise Against
"You Don't Mean Anything"- Simple Plan
"Welcome to Hell"- Sum 41
"What you Deserve"- Theory of a Deadman
"All Tore up"- The Tragically Hip

SBW May 1 2005 7:27 PM EDT

Lol, I like Kaboom

Mythology May 1 2005 9:24 PM EDT

Logan666 takes the pot of 10K for
"The End by the Doors"

No one else got the other award which was Don't fear the reaper by the I believe blue oyster cult.

Next contest will be posted shortly

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] May 2 2005 2:48 AM EDT

Thanks :)
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