Only NW above base is counted towards PR.
Obviously this primarily affects newbies.
May 30 2005 11:34 AM EDT
Very nice, Noobs will be very appreciative.
May 30 2005 11:48 AM EDT
Cool...Now I can start a new character without worrying about nw on pr.
May 30 2005 11:52 AM EDT
you cant buy a base weapon other than a whip. can you make it so there is a 100k NW cap until it counts to PR?
May 30 2005 11:53 AM EDT
That's a good change and hopefully more newbies stay and play.
May 30 2005 11:55 AM EDT
Great idea. After the str/dex affecting equipment change, this is now possible. I think this will increase newbs staying.
May 30 2005 12:00 PM EDT
Lol, now people went to the stores to get basic gears. They sure are quick.
since there is never a "lowbie penalty" below 500 PR I don't think an additional exception for low-nw weapons is necessary.
May 30 2005 12:12 PM EDT
well i gave a new player a thf and he could not use it :(
don't give score 10 people high-end stuff
how hard is this to understand?
May 30 2005 1:50 PM EDT
yay! an armor allowance! ...sort of.
finally the "shock and awe" strat of fighting nekkid has been nerfed!
May 30 2005 11:22 PM EDT
Did I miss something? base HLA, Cab, Leather boots and gloves still increase my PR.
May 30 2005 11:31 PM EDT
Forget my last post. Probably equipping base armors, my PR got updated.
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