Tattoo Lending.... again. (in General)

Chocolate Thunder July 4 2005 11:55 AM EDT

I thought we already put a nix on the tattoo lending business (as it was pretty cheesy the first time around).

But I've been seeing more and more people sending their tattoo to folks with the NUB (particularly the FF folks), for a few hours at a time and reaping massive unnatural tattoo level gains as a result.

Can we put the tattoo level losing deal back in place, or something else of that nature to prevent this type of trade? I'd write more about my feelings on this... but its really all been said before.

(Please note: this thread has nothing to do with NUB, just with tattoo lending, leave that silly argument at the door, thanks...)

QBRanger July 4 2005 11:58 AM EDT

I agree with CT 100%.

TheEvolution July 4 2005 12:02 PM EDT

I agree with CT 99%.

Chocolate Thunder July 4 2005 12:06 PM EDT

A wonderful solution from an anonymous source ... "I think the way to stop this is to make tattoos untransferable. The only place they can go is to the Auctioneer. You can slide them between your own characters, equip and unequip them as you please, ink them endlessly if you have the inclination. But to sell one, you have to go through the Auctioneer, and that is the only way they can leave your account."

QBRanger July 4 2005 12:08 PM EDT

yes, but what about private sales, or sales that need a Pay Plan?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] July 4 2005 12:11 PM EDT

That's the way the cookie crumbles?

krasko July 4 2005 12:11 PM EDT

Or instants ?

Special J July 4 2005 12:17 PM EDT

Make fees higher, simple.

Chocolate Thunder July 4 2005 12:18 PM EDT

How about removing the ability to loan tattoos... and giving all sales a 1 week cool down time before a new transfer is allowed. Between the double transfer fees and the 1 week without a tattoo, most everyone would be put off?

bartjan July 4 2005 12:22 PM EDT

IMNSHO, every sale should go through the auctions. If you need a payment plan, think again, or get a loan, then use the auctions.

By exclusively using auctions, you'll get eventually much better prices.

Can we limit the transfer system to either loans, or cash transfers?
This way, all types of sales are still possible, but the trade of items is now on the open market, where everyone can compete.

(of course, something should be done about $1 buy nows ;)

Maelstrom July 4 2005 12:22 PM EDT

Maybe instead of the old unequipping penalty, there could be a 5% penalty to tattoo level when transferring?

WeaponX July 4 2005 12:38 PM EDT

this is not a big deal let the fees be higher. to put all sales in auctions would be a huge mistake

Jason Bourne July 4 2005 12:43 PM EDT

although i agree that it has become a problem again, (i myself even loan my tattoo occasionally) i dont believe it is the MAIN problem. i believe that this is a result of a change way back.

this change was removing the "outsized penalty" from tattoos, and making them only affect your pr. while this was better in a way, for new players with tattoos that give familiars, the pr gain was massivly set off by their gains in money and exp.

why not add it back in? make it so that you can only use a tattoo say 100% of your MPR or less. this way newbies and people like mikel (8k mpr) cant use those huge tattoos. if you made it so it wasnt effective for them, it wouldnt be hurting anyone, because thats the way it should be.

keep them affecting PR, but make the outsized penalty come back. this probably should not affect the top 10 though, just like everything else because it wouldnt be fair to Ranger and others with bigger tattoos. although ranger is close i believe.

AdminShade July 4 2005 12:46 PM EDT

just increase the 'loan' price from 5% what it now? is to 10% perhaps?

bartjan July 4 2005 12:47 PM EDT

The outsized penalty has the same effect as the NW=PR system. Why one scares players more than the other, I don't know, but it's mostly psychological...

Jason Bourne July 4 2005 1:13 PM EDT

no bart, with the outsized penalty, it would make a huge tattoo worthless. i think it should cut the damage done by the familiar by the percentage that it is over. so if player A's character is 10k and he is using a 30k FF, the fireball should be only effective at 1/3 of its level, in this case 10k.

Mikel [Bring it] July 4 2005 1:22 PM EDT

1. if you stop the transferring of Tats, then how will I know if it's the right size tat for me? I've asked people before to loan me a tat for an hour so I could find out if it helps or hurts me, same with Items that I was interested in.

2. I look at loaning out my tat as Forging. I'm giving it to someone else so that they can up it for me. I have a hard time distinguishing the line between the two here.

3. I pay the transfer fees in full. You don't ask the Forger to knock the transfer fee off of the xx% of nw they'll put into forging do you? After all, in the end you benefit the most from it by your Tat gaining NW. I budget the loaning of my tat just as I would the forging of my items. Yet I see alot of you "renting" them. you charge them transfer fees and to use it per hour. That in my opinion is just pure greed, cause if they use it at the right times, they can give you a 1 mil nw boost to your tat.

Then you say "but the forger doesn't use my items" and I say maybe/maybe not, when you loan someone something, it's up to them what they do with it, and you can bet if they don't have another forging job lined up right away and they get done before the loan expires, they will give your special Item a test run if it's better than theirs.

Lastly, if Jon doesn't want this then he'll put a stop to it. the best way to do this and make everyone happy is to make it so that tats don't gain levels when loaned. Then they become just like an Item except when you use it.

AdminShade July 4 2005 1:38 PM EDT

1: your character should grow up with the tattoo, i.e. base character with base tattoo (this was Jonathan's original idea of the tattoos)

2: true, but forging also makes items having higher NW and is treated no less for the IPR.

3: loaning the item won't make your 'forger' pay anything for the transfer already, making that fee higher won't change anything about it.

Mikel [Bring it] July 4 2005 2:44 PM EDT

Fortunately for you, I don't know every detail about the game yet, and I will not get into a debate with you or anyone, I gave you my stance, and that is as far as I need to go. I've only been playing one month now, so it's not like I've been thru this before in this game or in CB1. I even gave an alternative to loaning tats, that seems to be a better alternative than what has been previously stated. I think that my suggestion would make tats rentable again.

I don't necessarily like the idea of a tat being limited by the characters ability, it's just another underhanded way to keep someone ":in their place". Seriously, if I invest in my tattoo heavily, why shouldn't I get to reap the rewards?

The same goes for Items, if I invest 40 mil nw into an elb, it better give me an edge over someone that has half that invested but has a slightly stronger character.

If I can't gain an edge over a bigger opponent(s) then what is the point in playing?

If Jon doesn't want tats to be loaned then he'll do something about it, after all it is whine.. I mean uh Change Month. :P

Undertow July 4 2005 2:50 PM EDT

invest 40 mil in an El-bow, see how much it helps your character.

A higher level tattoo, at least as long as it's not a ToA or ToE, is far far far more powerful than a larger weapon.

It's like, let's say your some dude who knows kung-fu, and you decide to fight crime.

Then someone loans you Superman to fight crime with you.

Mikel [Bring it] July 4 2005 3:00 PM EDT

"It's like, let's say your some dude who knows kung-fu, and you decide to fight crime.

Then someone loans you Superman to fight crime with you."

Thank you for putting it into simpler terms, that is the edge over your competition that I'm referring to.

[T]Vestax July 4 2005 9:08 PM EDT

A familiar is not an item is his point. It isn't an ELB, it isn't anything comparable to any of the other items. It's a tradable minion. Let's call it what it is and not talk about how it's an item cause it act likes an item so long as you ignore it's effect in battle.

GL, has once said that the most powerful trade a person could make is cash for xp. Of course he was refering to buying new minions, but the same applies here. People are buying xp with cash, and that should not be treated the same as buying something with a higher x or higher +.
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