Jon please read this (in General)
November 2 2005 12:27 PM EST
i thought the increase in BA cost was to stop NUB's from gaining a massive profit when buying BA? why does it apply to the NCB when we don't make a profit buying BA. jon i really implore you to think this over. the NCB will not help anybody the way it currently is. i make 70$ a fight max my BA costs 294$ a pop. how are we supposed to catch up losing money or xp (if we don't buy BA) how is the NCB helping anybody?
November 2 2005 12:55 PM EST
it's really simple.
the BA cost is tied to how much XP you can earn with it. Thus, BA with an NCB char rightly costs more.
November 2 2005 1:00 PM EST
at same MPR, are the BA buying costs the same for NUB and NCB?
November 2 2005 1:01 PM EST
November 2 2005 1:08 PM EST
I might be wrong.
But if you have a character with NCB, changes are that you've another character with quite nice amount of money, which you can transfer to NCB character to cover BA costs and also give huge jumpstart.
November 2 2005 1:12 PM EST
At lower levels I'm sure you can afford to buy up all the BA and have your character grow to get up to the higher ranks, but can anyone tell me how much it would cost to buy up over 500 BA all the way up to 500k + MPR?
Special J
November 2 2005 1:12 PM EST
correct, that is money earned already.
November 2 2005 1:16 PM EST
but we don't get the increased money they do Jon. how is it fair we are so heavily penalized. the NCB has nothing good about it if you can't afford BA which nearly everyone won't. why have it if it does no good. why not tie BA prices to cash instead of xp?
Ah... So as you earn a little more XP as a 4minion team to a single minion, does that mean BA purchase costs increase with the amount of minions you have?
November 2 2005 1:19 PM EST
Then everyone would be using NCB character for acceptable way of making insane amounts of money.
Just noticed my BA cost has been dropped from 780 to 300. Why is that?
Mines gone from 48 to 359...
November 2 2005 1:21 PM EST
My NCB character has a BA purchase price of 336. That is at approximately 5.5K MPR.
8,384 MPR.
Oh well. No NCB Clans...
November 2 2005 1:29 PM EST
exiii: bugfix
November 2 2005 1:36 PM EST
"as you earn a little more XP as a 4minion team to a single minion"
I believe this is no longer the case?
November 2 2005 1:39 PM EST
bart is correct
November 2 2005 1:41 PM EST
i really don't understand how this is fair. if you can't afford BA you can't catch up. if you can't catch up why have the NCB? my BA currently costs 319 per i make average money for a 3.5k MPR char around 70-75 per. how am i to maintain buying BA like a NUB or someone with USD?
Special J
November 2 2005 1:43 PM EST
or, save up money.
November 2 2005 1:44 PM EST
Plan ahead: first get the cash, then the NCB.
November 2 2005 1:46 PM EST
When did 4 minions start making the same amount per battle as single minions? Did I miss the changelog thread?
November 2 2005 1:46 PM EST
Bartjan, just curious, but how much do you think you would have to save up to constantly buy BA with the NCB?
November 2 2005 1:47 PM EST
Mega, in a bit over two months of fairly lax playing, I took Eurotrash guy to 200K MPR (RoE in use). I don't buy BA.
No, you aren't going to grow as fast as with the NUB where the cash comes in and helps. But if Jon reduces the cost for BA, then he has essentially made the NCB into a NUB.
You don't _have_ to buy all your BA, and the NCB, as far as I can tell, is not intended to be as powerful as the NUB. It is, however, helpful for building MPR faster than you might otherwise.
Special J
November 2 2005 1:48 PM EST
the scientific term of "a whole lot" comes to mind ;)
At 319 per BA and buying 503 BA a day that is 160,457 that would be used on BA a day ...
IF you got $75 per battle then it would take 2140 battles to make enough money to buy your max BA ... each day
November 2 2005 1:50 PM EST
do you understand how much money would be required for this? i'd lose about $230 buying BA each BA now buying 720 BA 6 times a week like i normally do. multiply that by 7 months. then realize the money lost becomes greater with more MPR
November 2 2005 1:51 PM EST
4 months*
November 2 2005 1:51 PM EST
Chappy, did you do that number off of 503 BA? Because I believe new players get 720 BA that they can buy each day...unless I'm mistaken?
yea i used 503 ... forgot about the extra BA ... point is it isn't feasable to buy all BA by any means ...
The amount of ba you can buy is based on your highest mpr but if that was say a mpr of 1 then 720 would be about right and would cost somewhere in the range of $50 a ba to buy.
November 2 2005 1:59 PM EST
Zac: the NCB has a limited lifetime (4 months IIRC). After that you are in exactly the same situation as any non-NCB player. You don't need to save up the entire value of 4 months worth of BA, only the loss you'd normally make on buying BA.
Before starting the NCB, don't buy BA, as it's spent on a character you'd discard anyway, and you're trying to save cash ;)
The timing on when you start your NCB should not affect the end result, as the NCB bonus increases over time.
So it's rather easy: don't NCB right now, but delay it until you have some cash (CB or the green kind) in reserve...
Another thing, make sure your main char is retired when you've started your NCB char, as the BA price might depend on your highest VPR char. I guess most complaints about high BA price come from people who still are affected by the high BA price for their main char. Can't you just wait a day before filing your complaints?
November 2 2005 2:01 PM EST
"When did 4 minions start making the same amount per battle as single minions? Did I miss the changelog thread?"
I think CB2 has always worked this way.
waiting a day in cb land is like taking a wrong turn in a race ... well at least to those hardcore players that pride themselves on using 90+% of their BA ... it simply isn't an option to them...
November 2 2005 2:11 PM EST
"When did 4 minions start making the same amount per battle as single minions? Did I miss the changelog thread?"
Jonathan, from training page, enlisting minion part.:
If you have more than one Minion, the EXP you receive in battle is split equally among them. However, there is a small EXP bonus for each Minion, so a two-Minion Character will earn more total EXP than he would have with just one Minion, and with four Minions he will earn most of all.
total more exp for 4 minions than for 1 minion??? I can see how this confuses people...
November 2 2005 2:12 PM EST
and as for the amount of buyable BA, go see the wiki, it has my latest changes on BA buying :)
November 2 2005 2:12 PM EST
"When did 4 minions start making the same amount per battle as single minions? Did I miss the changelog thread?"
"I think CB2 has always worked this way."
Wow! How did I miss that?!?!?! I swear I read something where the more minions you have, the more total exp you gain per battle.
Single minion gained 100 exp from a Battle
4 Minions gain 108 exp total or 27 exp each from the same Battle.
/me puts his head in the sand and wallows in his oversight for a moment, then pulls it out and moves forward.
November 2 2005 2:14 PM EST
"If you have more than one Minion, the EXP you receive in battle is split equally among them. However, there is a small EXP bonus for each Minion, so a two-Minion Character will earn more total EXP than he would have with just one Minion, and with four Minions he will earn most of all. "
Thanks Shade, no I don't feel so dumb. How does that not mean "more total EXP" for 4 minions compared with 1???
Go go Single Mage! All you 4 minion teams pwned by secret changes! :P
November 2 2005 3:08 PM EST
updated the docstring in question
November 2 2005 3:19 PM EST
If you have more than one Minion, the EXP you receive in battle is split equally among them. The total EXP earned remains constant.
Guess that is the new docstring.
I guess if your going to start over, you may need to sell a rare or two to get the money to buy your BA with the NCB. That is if you wish to maximize that bonus.
IMO, and IMO only, the lack of increased money is quite fair for those wanting to start over with more xp.
It just gives more emphasis to buy CB2 with USD.
WTB: 2 Mil for BA costs!
hammer killem
November 2 2005 3:48 PM EST
what is NCB?
November 2 2005 3:48 PM EST
new character bonus, please check the changelog for this month
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