Time for Ranger to fire The Apocalypse Book? (in General)
Well, within the next couple of days...
First, I would like to state this is not a personal attack on ILoveHelloKitty, before that starts to dominate this thread.
Currently, TAB has a MPR of 1,032946.
In just under 3 months, ILHK has a MPR of 1,022454. Just 10,492 less. That's peanuts. Maybe a couple of days work.
ILHK sill has a full month of bonus time to make up this tiny gap. The moment she does, Ranger might just as well fire all his minions and create a new NCB character. He'll then benefit from a bonus based on the highest MPR in the game. ILHK's.
Three months, to overtake a largest character on a player who has put a lot of time and efort into getting to the top.
I've started a NCB character, and in just under 2 weeks, I'm now at 8/10 BA refresh. And I play no where near as 'hardcore' as some folks. Plus, i've been unable to buy BA on anything but Wack days, asI didn't start with a large bankroll.
Actually, Ranger shouldn't fire TAB, but sell it. For as much cash as posible, in order to buy as much extra BA as possible.
Score means little, as it's too mutable. But does MPR mean anything now?
Let's all start again and see how fast we can pass the top spot!
November 13 2005 8:33 AM EST
I think your exactly right.
What's the achievement of reaching 500K MPR, 1 Million, When next month, everyone reaches it?
What's the achievement of reaching the top spot when next week, that guy/girl who started their bonus character a little later than you will knock you from it?
Because you did it fastest? Or first?
The higher the top character is, the faster people will surpase it. I suppose you could always cling to I reached "x" first...
November 13 2005 8:42 AM EST
why fire the minions? that would be a waste.
some people could want to buy it perhaps and use it for forging, or to fight with it themselves, if ranger wasn't to keep the char.
November 13 2005 8:46 AM EST
Actually, Ranger shouldn't fire TAB, but sell it. For as much cash as posible, in order to buy as much extra BA as possible.
-- GentlemanLoser
November 13 2005 8:47 AM EST
why then talk about it in the first place?
OK Shade, Maybe the title should be;
"Time for Ranger to get rid of The Apocalypse Book"
November 13 2005 9:00 AM EST
Why, just because Kitty is going to pass him in MPR? Ranger's character is #1 - He should keep it.
November 13 2005 9:10 AM EST
Me thinks MPR is useless now.
I just unlearned about a 20k protection and learned it in VA and lost 5k MPR.
That was about the same loss of MPR that happened when I unlearned my 400k GA and put all that xp into AMF.
Buggy, buggy.
For how long inferno? He would be better to take a break, recharge, get a good full nights sleep for once and come back with a new NCB character and pass Kitty in three months.
Ranger can no longer hold onto the top spot. No one can. Kitty will hold it longer than most, as you'll have to wait for the NCB to start ending, but then it will be new character after new character...
November 13 2005 10:37 AM EST
I say there is still about a atleast a month left in this character to be #1 maybe longer, maybe shorter.
Score? Who cares... Score means nothing.
MPR. A couple of days maybe...
What else is there to be number 1 for?
November 13 2005 10:41 AM EST
TAB can still beat everyone in this game. That's #1.
In addition to my Score comment. I could focus all me time bringing TAB down over many fights. This would lower his score and bump someone else to number 1. TAB would then fight and make it back, I would then lower it again...
Score means very little.
Ah! then maybe we need a different 'scoring' system, where the number 1 team is the team that no one else can beat.
Over 1 round? Or more?
There is nothing wrong with people constantly knocking the #1 person out. That's the point. If Ranger stayed as #1 forever, the game would be quite boring. Did you read my "King of hte Hill" analogy earlier? It should be much harder to stay at the top than it is to get there. Further, it should increase in difficulty proportionally to the time spent there so that eventually, "All Good Things...."
That's life, after all. You have a finite amount of time on this planet. How do you spend it? Where do you go with it? No matter what you do, someone will come along and replace you to continue the cycle.
Look at running. A few years back, every doctor and scientist on the planet steadfastly maintained that the human skeleton could never break a 4 minute mile. Piles of research showed that it would require a person over 7 feet tall weighing 120 pounds, and the probability even in that scenario was next to nothing. Who broke it? A tiny little guy named Bannister on 6 May 1954 who had nowhere near the build of a person who could qualify for running any race. And now, today, you have no hopes of making it to the Olympics without being able to run a 4 minute mile.
Things change. Times change. People change. Legacies change.
Hank Aaron beat Babe Ruth's HR record. He had a longer career (thus more time to do the same thing), Babe was a better player, and Yankee stadium was MUCH bigger than any other (so it's much harder to hit a homerun out of Yankee stadium). But he broke the record. That's progress. That's life.
What should Ranger do? Buckle down and keep playing. Take the record back. Kitty's bonus will shortly run out. With the proper strategy and massive BA usage, he can take it back if so desired. Or, like Yogi Berra, he can tip his hat and say "Good job."
November 13 2005 2:31 PM EST
So I guess it is ok and fair then for Barry Steroid Bonds to break Hank Aaron's HR record?
Just using the baseball analogy used above.
GL... dude, you're looking at this in black and white...
i'd have expected you to have seen that she's not going to be 1#...
Or perhaps I'm the one who's mistaken? I guess we'll find out before long.
I don't know all that much about kitty, but the simple fact that she has only been here for three months, he's been here more like a year. That says quite a lot about their potential to maintain a 1# character.
Yeah, she'll put on a bit of a challenge for the top spot, but he's very much capable of keeping it. As far as I can tell, that's exactly what we want isn't it? People to be able to challenge 1#, but for him to still have a good chance of staying at the top.
If you're looking for stats. Here's one for you.
TAB: 1,966,025
Kitty: 1,333,675
That's no small edge.
200mil NW compared to 50mil.
That's 4x Kitty's NW. A few of us are probably wishing that we owned that character right now, 4-1 is definately beatable, but against a vet like ranger with that kind of NW advantage... that's not something that's easy to overcome with a good strategy, or a little more MPR.
If Kitty does eventually consistantly beat ranger, well good on her. But if she does, remember that she's going to have to have earnt that spot and it'd be truly impressive if she does manage it.
Then we have the NCB.
GL, Sutekh, Johnnywas, Sefton, Majestik Moose (not sure if he still plays, but he's certainly worth a mention), and also warchild. - And a few others.
Any of these people I would hate to see having the NCB... seriously, Jon's asking for trouble with this thing.
Pick one person out of the names I suggested who isn't capable of taking top spot.
In Kitty's shoes, I've got a bit of an ego so I'll say I'd figure myself a 50:50 chance to take top spot, assuming we fight the same amount anyway. Giving vets a bonus is plain dumb. Not saying you guys shouldn't take advantage of it, I will do the same myself. But the NCB is plain stupid.
November 13 2005 2:55 PM EST
I think Ranger should continue on to play TAB. TAB will always be a CB2 legend. Keep it up Ranger
Ranger, I suppose your point is that the bonuses are like steroids -- it's cheating. Perhaps. I see it more like the growth curve of practically every aspect of this game. For instance, the XP cost per point gained grows quickly, and as you grow in power, so too does the XP cost per actual point of a stat (then that, too, is logarithmic.. 100kXP for 10k in a stat with an effective level of 1k) -- and it isn't linear. Since the XP gained *is* linear (or, at least, more linear), you have diminishing returns. Your growth will slow.
hmm... not sure where I was going with that. Ok, let me try this. The most defined difference between a Republican and a Democrat deals with helping people -- how to do it, and how much to give. If a man is drowning 50 feet from shore, a democrat will argue that we should throw a 50ft rope to him, then walk away. A Republican will throw a 25ft rope, and encourage him to swim halfway. It's the difference between giving fish and teaching fishing lessons. Makes sense, right? Obviously, the capitalist society in which we live is founded on principles that everyone can become king of the world -- but only if you work at it. It's not right to take the hard-earned success of one person and give it to someone who doesn't work for it. But if you want to work for it, you'll find the help you need.
The bonus applies here because there is a very strict progression curve, and there isn't a way for a person to become #1 until the #1 person retires. The bonus is the 25ft rope that we must swim for. Few people actually swim for it. With the many people that have this bonus, only a few will swim the 25ft to the rope. The rest, myself included, barely treaded water. My bonus ran out last June. How far did it get me? 20k mpr? Wow. Most people with the bonus perform similarly.
However, there are a few that were smart enough to swim halfway. now, you could argue that no ne every threw you a rope. But remember, when you started, the lake, as it were, was only a few feet deep. Now, it's virutally bottomless. The difficulty of becoming #1 in the current situation is Herculean. I would task you to try starting over now, today, with no bouns. See how far you get. Now imagine how far you'd get with no prior knowledge of how things work.
The bonus doesn't hand out a #1 slot with no strings attached -- the 50ft rope with no one on the other end. It give an edge that, when combined with skill and determination, will aid in getting you to shore.
eh... as a note... flames regarding political stances can be redirected to /dev/null. I'm not posting to talk about how various political parties deal with the under-privledged (although I did make it rather clear which one work and which doesn't... and which one is associated with the NUB/NCB). I admit that it seems similar to the wholly ineffective welfare system, but it isn't.
November 13 2005 3:40 PM EST
I never ever stated no "rope" should be given. Just that sometimes the amount ofrope given is a bit longer then needed.
The reason my NW is so high is USD and smart trading. About 2/3 to 1/3 ratio. If she who shall not be named would either sell her character to a USD spender or pump USD herself things would be different at the top.
And remember she has 1 month more of the NUB.
f Kitty does eventually consistantly beat ranger, well good on her. But if she does, remember that she's going to have to have earned that spot and it'd be truly impressive if she does manage it. ....
.....Bring out my bank account and burn it all into my weapons and see who i can beat? lol...That's a route i dont call "earn that spot".
Now, Ranger, that's a point that I definitely agree could be addressed -- the fine tuning of the size, width, and breadth of the bonus.
Lol Kitty, I never said you'd have to spend any USD ;)
;) Where to start!
First, Thanks for including me in that list MrC! But I think I'm a little too preoccupied with Single Mages to ever make a serious attempt at the number one spot. But who know, I'm toying with a 4 minion team for my next Bonus character.
"It should be much harder to stay at the top than it is to get there. Further, it should increase in difficulty proportionally to the time spent there so that eventually, "All Good Things....""
Agreed. I've been asking for like ever for the xp rewards to taper off at the top.. But with the current bonuses, holding the top spot is futile. People have said, wait and see, if Kitty beats Ranger, well the Bonus will have to change... Well, She still has a month of bonus time to make what? 10K MPR? So it's taken three months to make a mil, but she's not going to make vastly more than 10K in the remaining month? OK...
The problem is not that it's now difficult to hold the top, but impossible. Any dedicated player, though time and maybe a little money with any of the two bonuses in CB2 at the moment, can (it seems) very easily reach the top.
Picture this. Kitty tkes the top. Ranger restarts and within three months takes the top. Kitty does the same (each time the sucessful character is x amount larger than the previous, so the bonus rewards are that much larger.
OK you say, a fight between the two every 4 months.
Until the other wealthy and/or hardcore players get in on the action. One week it's Sute, the next Bast or Al or or or... You cannot hold the top versus a dedicated competitor. It's not possible.
"What should Ranger do? Buckle down and keep playing. Take the record back. Kitty's bonus will shortly run out. With the proper strategy and massive BA usage, he can take it back if so desired. Or, like Yogi Berra, he can tip his hat and say "Good job.""
What you fail to realise, is that if Kitty get's a X MPR head start on Ranger from her reamining bonus time, if they both fight the same rate forever after, Ranger has absolutly no way of closing that gap or taking back the top.
Bar a bonus. The only one he can get is the NCB. Which involves getting rid of TAB.
They both have massive BA usage at the moment. That's why they are there, and we're not. ;)
"I don't know all that much about kitty, but the simple fact that she has only been here for three months, he's been here more like a year. That says quite a lot about their potential to maintain a 1# character."
And in my opinion, even more about the inability to retain the top spot! ;)
"If you're looking for stats. Here's one for you.
TAB: 1,966,025
Kitty: 1,333,675
That's no small edge.
200mil NW compared to 50mil.
That's 4x Kitty's NW. A few of us are probably wishing that we owned that character right now, 4-1 is definately beatable, but against a vet like ranger with that kind of NW advantage... that's not something that's easy to overcome with a good strategy, or a little more MPR."
No, I agree there. It's Ranger vast NW investment that's keeping him his postiton. I dread to think what I Love You would be like with that sort of investment. Bankrolls aside (and really if you need a massive bankroll to equal 4 months of bonus time, somethings wrong anyway...) Kitty *wil* have the largest character in the game within a couple of days.
After that, it's up to her, but the game has given her that potential. To spare.
It was theorised the Bonus was set up in such a way to give you a crack at number 1 with the whole of your bonus time. It's painfully obvious that is not the case.
"If Kitty does eventually consistantly beat ranger, well good on her. But if she does, remember that she's going to have to have earnt that spot and it'd be truly impressive if she does manage it."
Sure she's earned it, I'm not taking anything away from her. But if she has earned it 3/4's of the way through her 'help' period, and still has another quarter left to balst past everone else, she's been gifted as well.
NS again;
"The bonus applies here because there is a very strict progression curve, and there isn't a way for a person to become #1 until the #1 person retires."
Bingo! The fundamental problem. But If I came along with a brand spanking new character and equaled Rangers MPR in 3 months, 2 months, 1 month of my bonus time, wouldn't you expect the numberone person to feel that their efort was worthless? I sure would.
"The bonus is the 25ft rope that we must swim for. Few people actually swim for it. With the many people that have this bonus, only a few will swim the 25ft to the rope. The rest, myself included, barely treaded water. My bonus ran out last June. How far did it get me? 20k mpr? Wow. Most people with the bonus perform similarly."
So? You have to put the effort in, with or without a bonus. I've not, that's why I'm not top. Nor have you, and therefore you're not top as well. What was the relevance of this?
"However, there are a few that were smart enough to swim halfway. now, you could argue that no ne every threw you a rope. But remember, when you started, the lake, as it were, was only a few feet deep. Now, it's virutally bottomless. The difficulty of becoming #1 in the current situation is Herculean. I would task you to try starting over now, today, with no bouns. See how far you get. Now imagine how far you'd get with no prior knowledge of how things work."
Not possible. I've never dissputed that. I've argued for ways of changing it.
"The bonus doesn't hand out a #1 slot with no strings attached -- the 50ft rope with no one on the other end. It give an edge that, when combined with skill and determination, will aid in getting you to shore."
So what do you call the last month of Kittys bonus time? Get you to the shore then wisk you in a cab back to the hotel while everyone else walks?
".....Bring out my bank account and burn it all into my weapons and see who i can beat? lol...That's a route i dont call "earn that spot"."
Kitty, I sympthaise with you here. Until non networth damage compares to NW induced damage (which it will with time) those with a larger bankroll will always have an advantage.
An unfair aspect of the game we all have to deal with.
Unless having no NW is equal to nw investment, then what becomes the point of nw?
But, a bonus that allows you to reach the largest MPR inthe game, with a full 1/4 of it left to boost you past (and if you can reach, then by extension you will pass) the largest existing character is out of line.
NS again; ;)
"Now, Ranger, that's a point that I definitely agree could be addressed -- the fine tuning of the size, width, and breadth of the bonus."
I'm with you on that. I can't see how anyone can now think both the bonuses need to be toned down.
November 13 2005 8:01 PM EST
Quite a post. Sort of like a movie, let's say Highlander, that goes from present to past and back again. Tough to follow the first read through.
But, I agree completely. You and I and others never said a NUB is not needed. Just one that does not let a new player (or even an experienced player) take over the #1 MPR spot in 3 months let alone 4.
There have been many posts on what should be the size, time, etc. of such a NUB. Well, we need to leave that to Jon to decide.
Too many posts have been made about the differences of the game now as opposed to Jan/Feb/March. I think Mikel first proved the NUB was too powerful and this is confirmed by Kitty. Again, I never had ill will to Kitty personally, just to the NUB as it is right now. I hope we do not have to wait until the next NUB or NCB user gets to the top in even less time to again notice the steroid effect of it.
But to your initial point of the post-Should I quit TAB and restart etc.. The answer is a resounding no. I am kind of tired right now of the intense playing. After 11 months, I was hoping I would have built a nice advantage in MPR to kind of cut back a bit and still be able to hold some sort of lead. But that is not possible now. Right now, I have cut back a bit and have been accused of "tanking it". I see TAB becoming number 2, then 3 then 4 etc.. over the next few months, even if I would start to play like mad. I'll likely play TAB until it becomes too much of a chore, the community becomes boring, and RL activities start to make playing not possible.
Too much time and investment in TAB to even consider selling it. If anything I will retire it but never will I fire/sell it.
Sorry, it's late. ;)
If the bonus in any form (but there should be some sort of bonus for new players... Just new players to get them familiaised and into the game. Everyone should have an ongoing chance at the top) let's you reach the top by the end of it, there is no point carrying on with that character after your bonus ends. Start a new bonus character, and you will get further than your last. And so on.
But if the bonus doesn't let you get to the top (and there is no other way) there's no point playing...
"The answer is a resounding no. I am kind of tired right now of the intense playing. After 11 months, I was hoping I would have built a nice advantage in MPR to kind of cut back a bit and still be able to hold some sort of lead. But that is not possible now."
That's why I said take a break, re charge, come back with a new character when your rested and get back your top spot in 3 months. Or by then maybe two. Maybe even 1 if you have enough cash to buy BA daily.
You've nothing to lose! ;)
Lumpy Koala
November 13 2005 8:35 PM EST
Actually, GL, I don't think it'll be a cycle over cycle of renewing char. Kitty can beat Ranger now, doesn't mean anyone who start now can beat Ranger again given the same 3 months of bonus. Because they grow in parallel, if given 3 months of bonus, one can only reach 1.2mil MPR at max, Ranger might be reaching 1.4mil given 3 more months of play from here onwards.
NCB/NUB are seen to be overpowered now, because it's still early. So given time, it'll be harder for any NCB/NUB to restart and still catch up with others who stayed with 1 char.
November 13 2005 8:41 PM EST
Remember the NUB/NCB goes up as the top MPR goes up.
So the bonus Kitty had 3 months ago is far larger now to compensate for that fact.
Lumpy Koala
November 13 2005 8:44 PM EST
hmm.. I never know the bonus is a variable :P Always thought it'll be the same figure no matter when you restart a char.
Then... I would say it's flawed :P
Special J
November 13 2005 8:47 PM EST
it is a fixed amount of time, and the % of the bonus varies depending on (I think) the top MPR character.
November 14 2005 4:11 AM EST
I just want to skip back real quick to the Home Run Record thing.
Lots and lots of lots of baseball players have beaten records without steroids. I think it's a lot more like what's his face getting the star next to his name when he broke that record with how many more games.
Kitty jumped in and played the game with the exact rules that were presented to her. It's not her fault the game jump starts new players.
And before it comes at me, I KNOW know one is attacking/blaming whatever kitty. Duh. But for gods sake I'd hate to be a newb lately, it's like being a jew in the holocost. People might not hate you specifically, but man they hate your demographic, or representation.
I like the way the NUB is set up now. I do think that a new "top player" every 4 months or so would be awesome. Let it happen like clock work.
And besides, all this time and ILHK is the only one to even come close. It's not like TAB is being assulted on all sides.
This way, the longer you go, the harder it is to hold the top spot.
Tow, can't you go five minutes with out saying something grating or offensive...NO HOLOCAUST REFERENCES PLEASE...jimminy kwanza.
Dude, it's not harder any more, but impossible. It won't be every four months a new top spot charcater appears, but everytime one of the hardcore players (new and old) finishes a bonus period.
What achievement is there getting to number one knowing you *cannot* hold it, (well possibly unless you spend a massive amount of real life cash...) that you will lose your spot the moment (well, 3/4s of the way..) the next hardocre bonus player finishes their bonus time...
Let's imagine somehow I get to the top with tate. And I use all my bonus time to do so. March 2nd, I become number one. March 3rd, the guy who start a day later then me (and fought exactly the same amount) finishes number 1.
He is replaced by the guy who created his character on the 10th. Which is then replaced on the 15th... etc etc...
*Shrug* If that's the way everyone wants CB2 to go, I might not bother creating another bonus charcater after Tate.
With bonus time left *after* reaching the top spot means that non bonus charcater has *no chance* at all in catching you. As you can't make up any MPR difference unless you have a bonus.
I'd feel sorry for Bast and the others already up there, they will see charcaters continue to pass them, and knock them down the ranking with absolutly no way to catch up. Unless they start afresh.
"And besides, all this time and ILHK is the only one to even come close. It's not like TAB is being assulted on all sides."
MrC summed that up with his comments on the NCB.
How many people that already know the game, even have substantial cash/item backing, have now created a bonus charcater.
In four months I bet there'll be many contenders to the throne. And the only people able to compete are those with bonuses.
But, nerf the bonus and there's no point having it.
so Ranger has a NW advantage over Kitty? gee; who'd've guessed. he's played for over 11 months; has NW of $200mill; kitty's played for just under 3 months; has NW of $50mill... looks like she's actually on track...
and overtaking top spot with 1 month NUB is just going to mean it's impossible for vets to ever challenge for the top. The basic philosophy seems to be "to be top you have to use 97% of maximum possible BA; so if you're a vet; that's 97% of 11 month's BA; if you're a lucky new user; that's 97% of 4 months; but if you act right now; we'll give you 1 month off; that's right folks; order your NUB now and we'll give you top spot in just 3 months. that's one month free to stop anyone else challenging you for top spot (until someone newer than you takes up this amazing opportunity)"
as the length of time cb2 runs for extends; the length of rope we're throwing to New players extends until such time that it will be 50ft of rope we're throwing them
November 14 2005 5:15 AM EST
how far can you get with 4 months of Bonus? 1.2 mil MPR? 1.3 mil? or 1.4 mil? If 1.4 mil is the furthest you can go with bonus, I congratulate the first person to reach 1.5 mil mpr, cause he will stay at the top spot forever.
Coolwater as has already been stated the % bonus of the NUB/NCB increases in line with the largest character therefore the MPR you can hit in 3 or 4 months is ever increasing. As the gap between rewards and the cost of BA for NCB characters will also be ever increasing it may well only be usd spenders who can reap its full benefits in the future.
November 14 2005 5:30 AM EST
oh,ok. I didn't realize that part. Thanks for the info rubberduck.
November 14 2005 5:35 AM EST
In that case, after 2 or 3 years where highest MPR is really huge, new player with bonus will get some ridiculous amount of rewards. That's interesting, I can't wait to see someone get CB2$ 10k and 2k exp per fight.:)
November 15 2005 5:00 PM EST
Don't forget the NCB is insanely expensive to buy all your BA. To put the volume of fights in that kitty has, but without her higher CB$ rewards, it takes a big warchest.
November 15 2005 5:13 PM EST
And remember the cost of buying BA is related to the increased xp you get. So as the NCB goes up, so does the cost of buying BA.
"The bonus is the 25ft rope that we must swim for. Few people actually swim for it. With the many people that have this bonus, only a few will swim the 25ft to the rope. The rest, myself included, barely treaded water. My bonus ran out last June. How far did it get me? 20k mpr? Wow. Most people with the bonus perform similarly."
So? You have to put the effort in, with or without a bonus. I've not, that's why I'm not top. Nor have you, and therefore you're not top as well. What was the relevance of this?
What you stated IS the relevance -- the fact that the bonus alone without effort will not bring you to the shore. Further, few people with the new user bonus understand that complexity of those 25 feet. So... The point was basically that so far, few people had actually utilized the bonus to the point of swimming as hard as possible... being enticed by a 25 foot rope and therefore succeeding. Not everyone was born to win.
The bonuses have changed, this topic is moot at the moment. (You know, could that have been the point of this thread?)
"The point was basically that so far, few people had actually utilized the bonus to the point of swimming as hard as possible..."
And you miss the point of the NCB. Where all the existing players (Since Jan 1st, or clued in new players) are all now able to create a bonus charcater knowing exactly how to utilize to it's fullest potential the rope thay are now able to grab.
But, the reason your point was not relevant, amount of users has no bearing on wether a feature is unballanced or not. Even if no Bonus user expolited the bonus time to the max, still doesn't change that it *was* out of wack. But a couple showed this. Would it have matter more if thousands had shown this instead of a couple?
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