Evasion data - Need more data! (in General)
January 30 2006 2:24 PM EST
does anyone have information / data about evasion?
if there was a post previously, perhaps search it?
tnx in advance, the info collected will be put in the new www.cbstuff.nl (not online yet)
and while you are collecting said data, find out for me if the defensive dex attracts AXbows...oh and find out if the evasion granted by UC also gives defensive dex!...
January 30 2006 2:27 PM EST
the evasion from UC gives defensive DX afaik, don't know about the axbow targeting but it should work, will test that coming week end if i don't forget.
is evasion good for a single mage and what does it do it for the mage
each point of evasion is like the + on a set of DB's, reducing the pth of the opponents weapons and if it is higher than their pth it reduces their dex-based chance-to-hit by 1% for each level of difference, so an evasion 20 levels above an opponents pth will result in a 20% reduction in dex-based chance-to-hit.
it also grants 1/3 (IIRC) of it's level as defensive only dex.
100,000 (40)
101,000 (41)
January 30 2006 6:18 PM EST
From the changelog:
"Evasion gives bonus to effective DX on defense equal to the evasion level"
Evasion (8) would then give +8% Dex and -8 to their PTH,
Evasion (40) would give + 40% Dex, etc.
Evasion (41) would give + 41% Dex, etc.
wow, that's funky...could make training evasion very useful...
January 30 2006 6:35 PM EST
From Jonathan - "the evasion bonus is additive, not multiplicative"
So Evasion 100,000 (40) reduces opponents PTH by 40 and increases defensive DX by 100,000
January 30 2006 6:46 PM EST
and some experience values would help also ;)
I was tracking evasion for a while. these are the lowest and highest readings I have at a given level (Exact transition points are somewhere in between. I hope this helps
0 53
1 103-206
2 267-489
3 596
4 1064
6 1776-2092
7 2517-2794
8 3046-3609
9 3643-4482
10 4520-5536
11 5537-6554
13 8596-9221
14 9368-10754
15 10800-12351
16 12415-14125
17 14175-16036
18 16184-17717
19 18307-20140
20 20755-22277
21 23378-24873
22 25344-27507
23 27745
January 30 2006 7:31 PM EST
I found this somewhere and its definitely correct at level 3 and 4, I haven't been higher.
Effect Level
87 1
219 2
434 3
721 4
1121 5
1582 6
2163 7
2872 8
3640 9
4520 10
5543 11.0
6698 12.0
8009 13.0
26125 22
31212 24
101381 41
138603 47
145335 48
159539 50
Grant, 6:18 PM EST
From the changelog:
"Evasion gives bonus to effective DX on defense equal to the evasion level"
Evasion (8) would then give +8% Dex and -8 to their PTH,
Evasion (40) would give + 40% Dex, etc.
Evasion (41) would give + 41% Dex, etc.
Grant, you're using the effect. The level is number before the parenthesis. :)
I think the names were coined as level and effect from the Spell and SKill Descriptions page;
"BL has reduced effect when its level is low relative to ST."
And the pre round log;
"enchantment effects that cannot be determined before combat are displayed as '?'"
January 30 2006 8:05 PM EST
Your reading it wrong GL. That would only be correct if the quote said that the evasion gives bonus to effective DX on defense equal to the evasion _effect_ (and not level)"
Therefore, 4520 levels of Evasion takes a 10% chance away from the opponent's chance to hit and also gives you 4520 DX when defending. There is no longer a reason to train DX if you want to make an unhittable wall minion.
Vestax, my Evasion has a level of 100,000 and an effect of (40). It reduces pth by 40 and gives an extra 100,000 Dexterity on defense.
And I agree, it's why I now have no dex on my wall (bar the tiny amount to make him double hit mages/enchanters if I ever equip him with a weapon and why I've moved my DBs to my mage)
Opps! Missed quote marks around Grants post... Vestax, the post I think you're taking about was a C&P of a post by Grant. ;)
Gl have you noticed Axbows targeting your wall?
January 30 2006 8:13 PM EST
Then I am utterly confused by the contradictions.
Unfortunately, I've more natural dex on my wall than my mage, so they would go for him first anyway. :( Can't help with that one Novice.
January 30 2006 11:04 PM EST
Using the lowest numbers for each evasion level and the data given (along with a couple of other points) these are the points we have so far.
Lvl - Effect
87- 1
219- 2
434- 3
721- 4
1121- 5
1582- 6
2163- 7
2872- 8
3640- 9
4520- 10
5537- 11
6698- 12
8009- 13
9368- 14
10800- 15
12415- 16
14175- 17
16184- 18
18307- 19
20755- 20
23378- 21
25344- 22
27745- 23
31212- 24
101000- 41
138603- 47
145335- 48
159539- 50
166831- 51
174032- 52
Fitting a curve to the numbers I get a formula of:
Evasion Effect = 0.2234 * Evasion Level^0.452
In other words doubling your Evasion Level will increase your Evasion effect by 45.2%. This is probably similar to the upgrade curve for DB's (i.e. doubling the NW of a pair of DB's increases the + on them by about 45%). When I have a bit more time I'll have a look.
January 30 2006 11:22 PM EST
Sorry that should read doubling your Evasion will increase its effect by 36.8%
January 31 2006 10:28 AM EST
Bump, I will also need untraining experience information !!! :)
January 31 2006 10:35 AM EST
I'm wrong. Just wanted to say it officially :)
January 31 2006 11:03 AM EST
Evasion: 2,960 (8) (untrain: 19,611)
Evasion: 247,024/181,636 (60) Untrain: 1,905,577
January 31 2006 11:20 AM EST
108k - 43
118k - 44
More as I finish wacky exp time.
January 31 2006 11:42 AM EST
Untrain 107.7k is 1.078 mil exp
124.8k gives (45)
Untrain 113.5k is 1.140 mil exp
100,000 (40) Unlearn for 994,542.
January 31 2006 12:13 PM EST
Evasion: 3,977 (9) (Un-Train: 27,812)
Evasion: 4,797 (10) (Un-Train:34,454)
Evasion: 5,745 (11) (Un-Train:42,133)
Evasion: 6,788 (12) (Un-Train:50,581)
Evasion: 8,045 (13) (Un-Train:60,673)
February 2 2006 8:32 AM EST
Evasion: 9,480 (14) 73,608exp
Evasion: 11,180 (15) 88,908exp
February 2 2006 10:01 AM EST
131,688 gives (46) , untrain for 1.207 mil EXP.
February 2 2006 10:04 AM EST
Does the evasion minus on the Pth add to DBs linearly or via the total xp method.
February 2 2006 10:06 AM EST
I think through the total exp method...
February 2 2006 10:09 AM EST
So if you have a large set of DB's, lets say over +70, then it would not be advantageous to train eveaion?
IE, if you have the DB's on a tank, you will likely want Bloodlust as you skill (archery or UC for those stubborn). If you have the DB's on a mage/enchanter the spent xp in evasion will not help you with the 20 dex such a minion likely has. And the xp is better spent raising your hp or DD spell level.
February 2 2006 10:16 AM EST
point taken. I was stupid. All Evasion untrained. Thanks Ranger.
February 2 2006 10:19 AM EST
but doesn't the evasion from DB's NOT count towards defensive DX?
February 2 2006 10:35 AM EST
As already quoted above:
From Jonathan - "the evasion bonus is additive, not multiplicative"
So Evasion 100,000 (40) reduces opponents PTH by 40 and increases defensive DX by 100,000
--Sacredpeanut, January 30 2006 6:35 PM EST
So it's not exp method. I'm having a hard time telling for sure, but it seems like my +52 DB and +45 evasion do take away close to +100 PTH.
And it would only be fair that they stack additively, since the PTH on the ToA and the weapon PTH add up.
February 2 2006 11:13 AM EST
So somebody indeed was stupid perhaps to untrain it so fast? :)
Quark, that only describes the effect of Evasion, not how it acts with DB's. We found long ago that when using evasion with DB's that for the PTH part of the DB's it acted as if you had added that much to an evasion the level of your DB's.
So if you have a +50 pair of DB's and 100,00 exp into your Evasion then you will have total of what you would gain putting an extra 100k exp into an evasion already at 50.
- Evasion skill and related items now stack differently; instead of evasion 30 + DB 30 = 60, it now stacks the way enchantments do: in this example, the total would be 39.
This is from the May 2005 changelog.
February 2 2006 12:49 PM EST
Hmm ... that sux.
I thought it was providing a better result than that. Can we change it back to give us some non NW way to deal with the ToA PTH?
I've been asking for skill/item stacking of evasion to be reverted for ages! ;) As we've now go defensive dex, and Evasion reducing cth after pth, I don't think the way it stacks wil change.
Evasion: 235,054/239,852 (59)
Evasion: 259,040/239,852 (62)
Evasion: 268,634/239,852 (63)
Evasion: 292,619/239,852 (65)
Evasion: 302,213/239,852 (66)
Evasion: 326,114/239,790 (68)
February 7 2006 3:01 PM EST
thanks for all the data so far, haven't had the time yet to make a graph out of it yet, will do it later this week though for sure :)
Evasion: 331,219/243,544 (69)
February 8 2006 1:50 PM EST
Need more data from the region around 25 - 40
MUCH more data since it is empty there.
made a basic excel file, will upload it shortly and link it.
February 8 2006 2:23 PM EST
here for the excel file or look them up on my site.
Below the 2 graphs:
Here's some data for you.
Evasion: 39,908/43,379 (27)
Evasion: 43,130/44,011 (28)
Evasion: 47,531/44,011 (29)
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