I don't see it. (in Public Record)

YNM August 10 2006 4:58 PM EDT

<Ranger> does anybody want a quick kick or kill?
<DarkXIII> alright
<DarkXIII> just asking
{CB1}_DeFiAnT has joined the room.
<Ranger> and you should not
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Are you kicking others or the person replying?
<Ranger> now that I have mentioned it, both
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Kill yourself then
<James> lol
*** Killed by Ranger: Bye bye

Explain to me, Ranger, why you decided to kill me for replying to what you said? You offered, I made a request and was killed for it...what the hell?

QBRanger August 10 2006 5:29 PM EDT

Next time cut and paste the entire conversation:

<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> th00p
<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> what's the pricing on your ELB?
* th00p_Beee smiles* ------>
<DarkXIII> anybody want to buy or insta my tattoo?
<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> not in here dark
<Ranger> does anybody want a quick kick or kill?
<DarkXIII> alright
{CB1}_DeFiAnT left the room.
<DarkXIII> just asking
{CB1}_DeFiAnT has joined the room.
<Ranger> and you should not
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Are you kicking others or the person replying?
<Ranger> now that I have mentioned it, both
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Kill yourself then
<James> lol
[Seth]EpitomeofSadness left the room.
-- /ack_kill
-- [seth]epitomeofsadness will be unable to login for 60 minutes.
Slashundhack has joined the room.

Next time it is best not to put your hand in the snake pit and be sarcastic to chat ops.

Can an admin please close this useless post?

QBsutekh137 August 10 2006 5:31 PM EDT

What was being talked about? There seems to be some creative editing on this chat log, i.e. nothing relating to what made Ranger mention kicks and kills...

YNM August 10 2006 5:36 PM EDT

I copy pasted what I read, and what concerned me and you Ranger.

SBW August 10 2006 5:37 PM EDT

<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> what's the pricing on your ELB?
* th00p_Beee smiles* ------>
<DarkXIII> anybody want to buy or insta my tattoo?

I asked about the pricing because I was curious about why he can't sell his ELB. Not because i wanted it... so that's not against any rule is it???

then Dark's comment... i told him not here so he stopped and said he was just asking... then ranger pulls his question... and Seth questions it

SBW August 10 2006 5:38 PM EDT

this is exactly in chat.

<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> what's the pricing on your ELB?
* th00p_Beee smiles* ------>
<DarkXIII> anybody want to buy or insta my tattoo?
<[ex-Camper]SirBubbleWrap> not in here dark
<Ranger> does anybody want a quick kick or kill?
<DarkXIII> alright
{CB1}_DeFiAnT left the room.
<DarkXIII> just asking
{CB1}_DeFiAnT has joined the room.
<Ranger> and you should not
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Are you kicking others or the person replying?
<Ranger> now that I have mentioned it, both
<[Seth]EpitomeofSadness> Kill yourself then
<James> lol
[Seth]EpitomeofSadness left the room.

YNM August 10 2006 5:38 PM EDT

Then I apologize, but next time Ranger...please make yourself a little more obvious as to what you mean.

QBsutekh137 August 10 2006 5:44 PM EDT

I see no reason why the kick/kill warning can't be a little more explicit -- not everyone knows what is or isn't allowed in chat.

SBW August 10 2006 5:45 PM EDT

I agree

QBRanger August 10 2006 5:51 PM EDT

[Seth]EpitomeofSadness - A member of Carnage Blender 2 since March 28, 2005.

He knows full well what is allowed and not allowed.

I do check on whom I am kicking/killing for these things.

SBW August 10 2006 5:53 PM EDT

A member of Carnage Blender 2 since January 3, 2005.

that's for me ranger...

I don't know everything I can and can't do.

YNM August 10 2006 5:54 PM EDT

Heh, Ranger CB age has nothing to do with knowledge, and this was never a question of my knowledge...I just did not read the part above what you said and made a mistake because of your horrible warning.

All I ask is that you be more...to the point about the warnings and less hinting.

stoner14 August 10 2006 6:43 PM EDT

i dunno, before i would have said it was a gross overuse of a power-hungry admin... but i think that raven acted semi-reasonably, if someone hasn't learned not to tell an admin in that is trying to keep stuff under control to kill themselves in over a year then they deserve to be killed.

QBsutekh137 August 10 2006 6:57 PM EDT

So, Ranger, you check on who is doing something wrong, decide that they "should know better", and then decide what kind of warning to give?

Sounds capricious to me. Wouldn't it be easier just to say, "Stop talking about FS/WTB issues in chat"? Every time it happens? Hell, make a keyboard macro. Less work, and a more consistent interface to new players and veterans alike. It is the admin's job to enforce the rules, not decide how they get enforced, yes?

SBW August 10 2006 7:06 PM EDT

yeah, sutekh137 has a good point. There should be a universal warning so that everyone knows.

QBsutekh137 August 10 2006 7:38 PM EDT

Well, maybe not a universal warning as much as a consistent approach to how admins deal with enforcement.... Sorry, my Libra persona is shining through -- consistency above all else.

AdminShade August 10 2006 7:40 PM EDT

If someone would ask me for a kick, I usually kill instead.
Just out of principle that other people shouldn't ask for a kick or kill, that is the job of a chat op to decide.

Now move along, nothing to see. :)

QBsutekh137 August 10 2006 9:00 PM EDT

Oh, sweet Shade. Sweet, sweet Shade.
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