ToE better than ToA for tank? (in General)

Jury September 25 2006 2:21 AM EDT

ok this was what i had before.....

ToE on my enchanter (the enchanter has AMF/VA)

tank had TSA and BoM.

NOW i have

enchanter no special gear

tank has ToA (quite a bigger boost to DX and ST about 100k each without the TSA and BoM)

i am now losing a lot more battles than i was before fighting the same ppl help me out plz

AdminShade September 25 2006 2:54 AM EDT

put special gear on your enchanter, like Cornuthaum...

chuck1234 September 25 2006 3:43 AM EDT

you need to align to the axis of the tattoo. The ToE is all about reducing damage; the ToA is all about enhancing damage. Hence, to get the best effect of the ToA, you need to have powerful weapons, with good PTH, especially if opponents have evasion, UC. Most people have commented that the ToE has lost some efficacy with the recent changes, so the ToA ought to actually boost your prospects, provided you have the proper config and strength in damage dealing weaponry.

QBRanger September 25 2006 8:09 AM EDT

If you use a TOE, then you better well have a large Pth on your weapon and a huge dex. Remember the TOA gives a large boost to dex so you have to compete with the TOA boosted dex's out there.

Also, with the boost to weapon damage, including archery this month, the TOE has lost a lot of its luster. I was using a TOE but was forced to switch due to the ineffectiveness of the TOE due to the massive physical damages now.

The TOE is still very effective vs CoC and FB though.

Tyriel [123456789] September 25 2006 8:41 AM EDT

What tattoo you want is the same as what equipment you want. You could go with a high strength Tank, a balanced tank, or a defensive tank with good AC and HP and stuff like that. You can augment what you already have, or boost what you're lacking in.

If ToE works better than ToA, then you might already have enough dex and PTH to hit most of these people you're fighting, so that bonus is not as useful. You might also take the same amount of hits to kill them, even with the str boost. That'd be wasted to.

It all depends on what you already have, as said before. If you can do 80k damage and the highest HP enemy you fight is 50k, then definitely go with ToE.

miteke [Superheros] September 25 2006 10:03 AM EDT

I think the key is when you said "fighting the same ppl"!

Why in the world would you expect to be able to beat the same people when you shift your strategy. Have you tried fighting NEW people? Spend some time checking out your ability to pick up new victims.

Also, I agree about equipment focus. A ToE is all about hitpoints and lasting into longer battles. Your equipment should focus on preserving hitpoints and your attacks should focus on the long term. You should have lots of hitpoints and/or a decent wall. A ToA focuses on boosting your offensive powers and ability to dominate other tanks. You should focus on maximizing that advantage and shutting out other tanks while quickly eliminating pesky mages. That's why seekers are so useful for these types of minions. Take out the mage early and then dominate the other teams tank(s) in melee.
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