December 27 2007 4:35 PM EST

Born today December 27th weighing 3250 grams (born 3.5 weeks early, but everything seems OK): a baby boy called Sjoerd.
December 27 2007 4:37 PM EST
Welcome to the Uncle's club!
awww so cute, congrats :)
December 27 2007 5:33 PM EST
what a chubby lil thing...and l00k at those cheecks, can't you just chew on him or what?
Gratz dude
December 27 2007 6:15 PM EST
Congrats bartjan!
Best reguards to your brother/sister as well.
December 27 2007 6:41 PM EST
And just in time for the New Year!
December 27 2007 7:27 PM EST
im a semi-uncle. one good friend gave birth to Kane on December 23 and my other good friend is due any week now! uncle drudge and bj!
congrats bart, when are you going to get a rug rat of your own?
December 27 2007 7:40 PM EST
I was an uncle when I was 9. True story.
December 27 2007 10:57 PM EST
grats to the parents and you and the whole family
December 28 2007 10:25 AM EST
Congratulations! :-) Not to brag or anything ^_^ but I will soon get another cousin =D
December 28 2007 10:47 AM EST
Congrats bartjan! May he forever play CB!
December 28 2007 10:58 AM EST
Hey congratulations! I became an uncle 6 weeks ago, heh, it's great!
Congrats Bart!
My cousin had her second child, a baby girl, on the 27th as well. ;)
Same birthday as our Grandma on that side of the family. :D
December 30 2007 10:28 AM EST
Great bart, congratulations! ^_^
December 30 2007 11:12 AM EST
Congratulations, Bart! Nephews (and nieces, of course) are great fun!
I say this from vast experience, because I just learned that my younger sister has my 14th nephew (22nd time to be an uncle, total) in progress...
ok sjoerd isn't a dutch is it and congrats bartjan
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