WARNING HUGE BUG!!! (in General)

AdminShade April 8 2008 1:56 PM EDT

Sorry but this is _not_ a joke thread.

I tried to sell something, and the popup asking me 'Do you want to sell this item?' came up.

I did NOT click on yes but my screen somehow refreshed and the item was SOLD...

Fortunately this only was an item I actually wanted to sell and not a prized valuable item...

Be warned!!!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] April 8 2008 2:14 PM EDT

I got the pop up trying to sell stuff, but as far as I know it low nw items and none rares don't get that warning.

bartjan April 8 2008 2:17 PM EDT

I'm unable to reproduce. In my case, the options are 'OK' and 'Cancel'. If you click Cancel, the menu should change back to 'none' and that's also what happens ;)

QBRanger April 8 2008 2:24 PM EDT

I get the popup on virtually every item I own.

However, the default is on the OK, not the cancel.

So if you mistakenly hit "enter" you will accidently sell said item if you hit the "save changes" button.

Perhaps the default should be on the "cancel" instead.

Sickone April 8 2008 2:31 PM EDT

" Adminbartjan, 2:17 PM EDT
I'm unable to reproduce. "

The key issue seems to be this part:

"[...]my screen somehow refreshed[...]"

I have no idea what could have caused it, but I can bet this is the problem.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 8 2008 3:27 PM EDT

Ive had my screen refresh a couple of times before as well, an i let everyone know in chat when it happened. But it was never in this type of scenario. I think both times it happened to me i hit Business > Forge. (Chat and the whole CB window refreshed)

QBOddBird April 8 2008 3:28 PM EDT

You should squash it

AdminLamuness April 8 2008 3:37 PM EDT

The default focus cannot be changed since it is a native pop-up the browser creates.

AdminShade April 8 2008 3:50 PM EDT

I indeed got the choice between Yes and Cancel

I had not clicked on either of them and I also had not clicked on save changes, still it saved the changes before I could accept or cancel..
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