Sur-PRIZE!: Rename Conundrum (in Contests)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 14 2009 8:22 PM EDT

I think I already know what I'm renaming Conundrum to...

but why not give CB a shot.

Prize of Questionable Value.
Contest ends Saturday at the end of Big XP time.

TheCakeIsTheTruth May 14 2009 8:23 PM EDT


idiotz May 14 2009 8:27 PM EDT


FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] May 14 2009 8:28 PM EDT

The Academy

j'bob May 14 2009 8:32 PM EDT

This Magic Moment

{cb2}Dinh May 14 2009 8:36 PM EDT

without a doubt, j'bob is taking this one home ;)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 14 2009 8:36 PM EDT


TheCakeIsTheTruth May 14 2009 8:42 PM EDT

Black Snow

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- May 14 2009 8:58 PM EDT


AdminQBVerifex May 14 2009 9:08 PM EDT

name him: For Sale

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 14 2009 9:15 PM EDT


AdminTal Destra May 14 2009 9:25 PM EDT


TheHatchetman May 14 2009 9:31 PM EDT

few suggestions on how you can rename your team without changing who they are as a team:


Rawr May 14 2009 9:53 PM EDT


Mesoshort May 14 2009 10:09 PM EDT

Star Wars Pwn or something to that effect ;D

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] May 14 2009 10:14 PM EDT

Meso gave me this idea: With you The Force Is.

QBRanger May 14 2009 10:24 PM EDT

To help answer this question, one would have to know what the minion names will be.

Will they stay the same or if not, any idea what you want them to be.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 14 2009 10:26 PM EDT

Sure I'll give hints... tomorrow.

AdminQBVerifex May 15 2009 2:11 AM EDT

My favorite name: Sacrosanct

[P]Mitt May 15 2009 2:15 AM EDT

Serendipity. (One of my favorite words)

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 15 2009 2:15 AM EDT

Power Sight

Rawr May 15 2009 2:21 AM EDT


{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 15 2009 2:39 AM EDT

For Sight
Hind Sight

QBJohnnywas May 15 2009 2:42 AM EDT

Stiff Little Finger

Rawr May 15 2009 2:52 AM EDT

The Omnipotent

bensonp May 15 2009 8:00 AM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 15 2009 10:21 AM EDT

Some folks have already caught on... and Ranger certainly asked the right question. The biggest hint might be my recent named items.

Rawr May 15 2009 10:26 AM EDT


QBRanger May 15 2009 11:28 AM EDT

Death Star 1.0

Demigod May 15 2009 11:37 AM EDT

Rogue Squadron
Flannelled One

BootyGod May 15 2009 11:48 AM EDT

Pocket Yoda


Tiny Terrible Yoda

Yoda the Green Teletubby

Its a trap

AMF the Death Star

GA the Death Star

Missing Exhaust Port Cover

The Color Green

I probably will have more eventually. I'm tired <.<

j'bob May 15 2009 5:27 PM EDT

Heart of the Guardian

Sickone May 15 2009 5:28 PM EDT

Spid the Second

Sickone May 15 2009 5:29 PM EDT

No, no, wait...
Darth Spid

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 15 2009 5:37 PM EDT

Dark Helmet (Spaceballs :D)
The Swartze

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 15 2009 5:49 PM EDT

My minion names will all most likely stay the same, although I might alter Yoda's title, and at some point Luke might get his name back instead of being referred to as farm boy.

While I already have a name in mind, and the theme isn't likely to change, feel free to come up with stuff. Who knows what is going to end up winning!

j'bob May 15 2009 5:53 PM EDT

Skywalker Ranch

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 16 2009 12:49 PM EDT

The Emperor

Emperor Palpatine


Sith Lord


Jedi Master



This was all I could think of that might be in the range of what you are looking for, I hope I wins :)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 16 2009 1:05 PM EDT

oops I forgot to add "Darth" tis needed in there as Darth novice/Conundrum yes!

Soul Eater May 16 2009 1:30 PM EDT

Darth Sidious
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