Strat advice (in General)

AdminTal Destra May 31 2009 9:41 PM EDT

Okay here is an idea that popped into my head

The Tank-Hater

HP 1/3
Str 1/3
EC 1/3

use a ToA for Dex
EBs for Dex boost as well
maybe a BoM or SoC??
any advice?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 31 2009 10:05 PM EDT

If you want more STR then Go HoE, More rounds of Ranged HoC, more AC HoD, I would trade the EBs for DBs and I would train Evasion. BG's may help you with your Ranged quite a bit, but if you are looking for more Str then TGs are the way to go, Dex EG's. Between SoC and BoM I say BoM. That's my two cents.

three4thsforsaken May 31 2009 10:09 PM EDT

decay is going to hurt.

Untouchable May 31 2009 10:40 PM EDT

id say 1/3 AMF rather than EC since the ExBow will own the enemy tanks not allowing them to hurt you in any shape or form making EC pointless

PearsonTritonRaveshaw June 1 2009 12:36 AM EDT

You need a big enough exbow for that which is quite an investment.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw June 1 2009 12:43 AM EDT

I'd recommend the SOC and MH. Archers are going to give you a run for your money so you're definitely going to need more than 1/3 exp going into HP. I know this from experience.

Also, if it is single minion, I wouldn't really recommend training EC. It would be helpful if you used DBs definitely, but if not then I would just recommend putting most of your exp into HP.

kevlar June 1 2009 12:48 AM EDT

why MH over MoD? I've always wondered what was better and why.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw June 1 2009 12:50 AM EDT

It's a tank killer. A lot of people like single minion archers specifically.

Fatil1ty June 1 2009 12:53 AM EDT

you'll get SMOKED by any tank unless you have an exbow at least x3000. Also EC is pretty useless in that setup. I would go for something else.

QBJohnnywas June 1 2009 4:14 AM EDT

ToA doesn't really provide the kind of dex you're going to need at higher levels. Although it will make boosting your weapons easier, you won't have to invest in the weapon plus, which makes building a large exbow much easier and more importantly cheaper. My 3.8 mill ToA gives me +120 on my Morg and +135 on my Mageseeker. It would provide similar amounts on a MoD and Exbow.

But in terms of dex, I've approximately 5.5 mill, but I have 3.5 mill trained and +25 EBs AND the ToA dex. To take out my dex you would need more than 10 mill in EC. I'm pretty much the top end of the dex standings though.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 1 2009 7:04 AM EDT

100k AMF instead of EC.

Talion June 1 2009 7:20 AM EDT

"you'll get SMOKED by any tank unless you have an exbow at least x3000."

Nah... Look at my char. It smokes tanks around my size and I am nowhere near x3000.

I would go with DB instead of EB because you are not planning to train a lot of DX so EB will not be very effective. DB will help you survive ranged rounds while your EBow does its work.

And as has been written many times in this thread: Decay will be a big problem.
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