It is official, Obama is proclaimed God by MSNCB (in Off-topic)

QBRanger June 9 2009 6:29 PM EDT

In their own words, better than Chris Matthews with the chill running down his leg when Obama was speaking:

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 9 2009 6:31 PM EDT

I don't get it... did you not know that Obama is God....?

Lord Bob June 9 2009 6:34 PM EDT

I hope this is a joke.

QBRanger June 9 2009 6:35 PM EDT

No joke, watch the video.

The news caster is quite serious.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 6:55 PM EDT

No, I meant you complaining about it.

I heard nothing worth raising a fuss about in the video.

QBRanger June 9 2009 6:58 PM EDT

Of course you hear what you want to.

I heard the newscaster saying 'In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world as a sort of god'

If you find nothing in that statement troubling, you certainly are ... well I am speechless about it.

I find it quite offensive that someone in a public position, on a news channel, saying our president is god.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:00 PM EDT


Yes, exactly: "In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world as a sort of god" a comment about the tone of Obama's speech.

Certainly not "Obama is our god!" as you seem to think it meant.

For the rest of the sane people reading this forum: nothing to see here. Move along.

QBRanger June 9 2009 7:05 PM EDT

Implying Obama is acting like God in any form is offensive to me as a religious person.

He is a person, someone elected to serve our country.

There is plenty of reason to be worried, very worried.

Just like you LB to tell people to move along and look past obvious problems. Just like the plenty of problems that the news media have "overlooked" up to now.

O yes, Madoff in the room, everyone move on, nothing to see here. We did that for a few years and now look where we are.

For the sane people, this is very worrisome. I would like other comments and commentary.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:23 PM EDT

"Implying Obama is acting like God in any form is offensive to me as a religious person."

Getting all worked up over a harmless critique of his speech is hilarious to me, a non-religious person.

And I'd rather have a guy in office who is jokingly - yes, jokingly - compared to a deity than a guy like we had for the last eight years who thinks he was chosen by one.

"There is plenty of reason to be worried, very worried."

Yes. The Republicans might take back over. Oooh, scary!

"Just like you LB to tell people to move along and look past obvious problems."

This is not an obvious problem. I find it laughable that anyone thinks it is.

Thousands of people losing their jobs because of the recession that started when your party still held the Presidency? That's a problem.

three4thsforsaken June 9 2009 7:23 PM EDT

"Obama is pleased with your victory and grants you a Amulet of Junction [0] (+9). Use it well!"

Awesome! This is what we're talking about right?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 9 2009 7:24 PM EDT

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:27 PM EDT

3/4ths wins.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] June 9 2009 7:29 PM EDT

The title of this thread does seem to say more about your idealogical filters than it does about the clip.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:36 PM EDT

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds this ridiculous.

QBRanger June 9 2009 7:38 PM EDT


Foolish about the medias love fest with this person.

Nary a harsh word from anyone but Foxnews.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:39 PM EDT

"Nary a harsh word from anyone but Fox news."

Those were probably the only type of words those bums had for him.

QBRanger June 9 2009 7:42 PM EDT

But truthful ones at that.

Everyone else was to blinded by the man.

Just as our news caster in the clip above.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:47 PM EDT

I'll bet you loved it when they sucked up to Bush in the last eight years though. They never had a bad thing to say about him, despite how awful he was.

I'm sure MSNBC was just being unfair to him in those days though.

QBRanger June 9 2009 7:47 PM EDT

And if you want to chat about the reason people are losing their jobs, let us look at both parties as a cause.

Not just Bush. But Clinton, Reagan and Carter and their policies.

To blame Bush alone is quite myopic. As is to believe this news caster was joking on his reference to God.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] June 9 2009 7:52 PM EDT

Yes much of the media is full of crap, often misrepresenting things in exactly the way you have here...

QBRanger June 9 2009 7:53 PM EDT

There were plenty of Bush policies I did not like.

And Foxnews did have plenty of critique about his policies throughout the 7+ years of his presidency. The last 2 months were Obama's transition.

MSNBC during that time could not say a positive thing about him. At least nothing I could find reading their site every day.

But now, MSNBC has chills running down their legs whenever Obama speaks.

Really pathetic reporting. I am not saying Foxnews is unbiased, but they never said they had chills running down their legs when Bush was speaking. And certainly never compared him to God. Which seems to be acceptable now for all the Obamaphiles.

Lord Bob June 9 2009 7:59 PM EDT

"Not just Bush. But Clinton, Reagan and Carter and their policies."

Correct. There is plenty of blame to throw around, and I did not mean to imply Bush was the sole culprit.

However, it came to a head in his presidency, he should have seen it coming far enough ahead to take the necessary actions to prevent it.

And I've never seen Fox go against Bush. They may not have used a god as a metaphor to describe him or his speeches (because, come on...), but they certainly went along when he pretended like he was a divine representative here on Earth.

QBRanger June 9 2009 8:03 PM EDT


That is so untrue, plenty of commentary on Fox was critical of Bush.

And while Bush was in the White House, let us not forget who controlled Congress the last years of the presidency.

But I never say anyone on Fox compare Bush to a higher power/being. Obama has been in office less than 6 months and we already have this crap on the tele.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 9 2009 8:38 PM EDT

"But I never say anyone on Fox compare Bush to a higher power/being."

no, but i do seem to remember that bush claimed he conversed with god. that is far scarier in my mind than figures of speech used by newscasters.

QBRanger June 9 2009 8:40 PM EDT

Can you quote that Dude?

I never remember reading or hearing it.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 9 2009 8:40 PM EDT

I would be more sad if a Christian didn't believe that God helped lead them in their decisions.

QBRanger June 9 2009 8:43 PM EDT


There is something in America called separation of church and state.

I would be very scared if our president said God made them do something.

While we are a pious nation, mostly, we do have this overriding principle. Is it part of the core beliefs that America was built upon.

I would want no president to overlap the two.

iBananco [Blue Army] June 9 2009 8:43 PM EDT

Claiming divine inspiration means no longer accepting responsibility for one's actions.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 9 2009 8:47 PM EDT

I don't know much about your beliefs Ranger, although I thought you were Jewish or maybe some form of Christian. If I'm not incorrect in my thoughts than in your beliefs you too would believe that God leads Christian/Jews to correct decisions. Do you expect G. Bush simply to be out of this loop because he is president.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 9 2009 8:47 PM EDT

"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam [Hussein], which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."
--Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen quoting Bush when they met in Aqaba; reported in The Haaretz Reporter by Arnon Regular

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 9 2009 8:48 PM EDT

religious people range from those who think god tells them what to do, to those who believe religion is the only effective tool to deal the nature of humanity...

Lord Bob June 9 2009 9:02 PM EDT

"That is so untrue, plenty of commentary on Fox was critical of Bush."

They may have been critical of him when he took more moderate positions, like those on immigration. But I didn't see it.

If you can find any clip where Fox was critical of Bush at a time where he wasn't doing something other than clinging hard to the ultra-right, I'll concede the point.

"But I never say anyone on Fox compare Bush to a higher power/being."

See also: Dude's link to the definition of simile.

And once again: still better than a guy who claimed to get his policies from an imaginary character.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 9 2009 10:01 PM EDT

"They say when you talk to God it`s prayer, but when God talks to you, it`s schizophrenia."

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 9 2009 10:39 PM EDT

I think you're taking this way out of context, Ranger. Saying "like some sort of god" is different than saying that he is the Christian God. I'm not sure how you could have mistaken a statement like this unserious comment and turned it into a bastardization against the Christian religion.

QBRanger June 9 2009 10:49 PM EDT

Some sort of god = higher being then humans. Equal to God, same spheel.

And how is this a bastardization to the Christian people?

I saw the newscast and though he was very serious about it. No humor in his voice, no sarcasm in it either.

Am I now supposed to read into something that obviously was not there? The words are there for all to see. Read into it as you want, as biased or unbiased as you are.

As to Bush, I had no idea of that statement. I disagree with it completely. As I have with numerous Bush ideas.

I have yet to see an Obama supporter say they have disagreed with anything he has done. Including MSNBC and their reporters who get chills up their legs when he speaks. :)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 9 2009 10:54 PM EDT

No, it's not the same spheel. Ranger, come on... we're not in grade school.. He wasn't being serious, that doesn't mean he has to be either humoristic or sarcastic.

Or do you think your option is much more rational? Right, I'm sure the guy really thinks Obama is God.

I think it makes more sense to say he was just making a comment he didn't put too much thought into.

QBRanger June 9 2009 11:03 PM EDT

I usually can tell if someone is joking, acting etc..

This guy was using his hands, opened, like he was in admiration of the person he was speaking of.

Like all encompassing actions.

He stated Obama would bring everyone together, like God. As if it takes divine action to do such a thing. And he is likely right on that front. Therefore he is saying Obama is like God.

I think he did not meant to say those exact words on the air, however, I really do feel he was thinking very similar thoughts.

And then the person doing the interview at the very end saying "yea" with same admiration in his voice.

The title of the post is a minijoke. No, I do not really believe that MSNBC as a whole thinks Obama is God. However, I do think there are quite a few reporters on that channel that personally may. Like this one and his interviewer.

This really is scary to me. Give or take how I personally feel about Obama, this is very scary people are almost diety worshiping him. This is not a reflection on Obama himself, on how charismatic he is and its effect on people.

Typically we have checks and balances in our country to stop someone from taking too much power. I really have concerns now, given statements like this.

Perhaps I am paranoid, likely am, but they really are out to get me. :)

kevlar June 9 2009 11:18 PM EDT

no... you should be paranoid, just like the rest of us should be.

WOLFMOTHER June 9 2009 11:24 PM EDT

Language can be a powerful tool in shaping one's thoughts.

QBsutekh137 June 9 2009 11:25 PM EDT

Ranger, I just don't get you, man. How such thought can come from what is clearly sentience is...well, beyond me. Beyond the Earth. Almost like...some sort of god looking down...


You know what "uppercase" means, right? Like, every time I hear "joe six pack", "average joe", "joe cool", "joe college" -- I don't freak out and ask those people to stop talking about me (my name is Joe). See, capital letter there, referring to the "real deal", as it were.

This guy didn't say Obama was God. Obama didn't say he was God. NO ONE said he was God.

In fact, the only person saying it, via his de facto stance on this thread, is you.

If you want to think this 'caster was talking about _G_od, fine. Keep it to yourself, though. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure there is a name for making a big deal out of something just to get a rise out of other forum-goers... Oh yeah. "Troll" Yep, capital "T". If this keeps up, I guess I'll just have to start referring to you as nothing but Troll Ranger from here on out if you can't get some perspective on this whole Obama thing. I can't think of the last time I have seen such an obvious trolling here in the CB forums, and I have been supporting your last, what, five or six posts? You know, the coherent ones? Dang nab it, I almost thought we had a rapport going here...

QBsutekh137 June 9 2009 11:31 PM EDT

And as for disagreeing with Obama -- how about his administration's brain-dead ideas on the continuation of things like wire-tapping? Not only are they OK with it, they want to push it further so that the gov't cannot even be looked at sideways for it -- no legislative or judicial oversight.

Plenty of techie, liberal sites jumped on that months ago. I'm not even sure where it stands at the moment... But I can dig up a link if you want me to.

Just because someone votes for a candidate doesn't mean he/she thinks that candidate is God, god, gawd, duck, duck, goose, dog, good, or bad.

But you'll think what you want. I don't even know why you bother to post. Can't recall the last time you really came out looking for common ground. So, what's the point? If we all just said, "Yes, Ranger! You're RIGHT!" Would that be enough? No more troll-induced bashing?

If so, I'll go first: "Yes, Ranger! You're RIGHT!"

QBRanger June 9 2009 11:36 PM EDT


All I can say to that is I saw the video for myself. I am not blinded by my sheer awe of him.

We disagree, no need to get insulting.

And if you read other people blogs, other forum boards you will find a lot of others who agree with me.

three4thsforsaken June 9 2009 11:36 PM EDT

/me applauds

three4thsforsaken June 9 2009 11:37 PM EDT

let me specify

/me applauds for sut

QBsutekh137 June 9 2009 11:38 PM EDT

Disclaimer: I am an avid EFF supporter, pay every month, wear the cap and the shirts, etc. Other than NPR, usually in the guise of "This American Life" support, it is about the only thing I give money to.

That being said, here is the link about something Obama is not doing so well:


Very disappointing. The article is from April, so maybe some things are changing, but I haven't heard. I'll keep digging if the thread shows interest in it.

kevlar June 9 2009 11:41 PM EDT

I just have 4 things to say:

1) Chrysler pwned by Fiat
2) Muslim converts able to kill new military recruits, who have never been in battle, and be interviewed by the press saying "I didn't know the guy but I feel it was justified"
3) Fart tax (methane gas tax for cattle/livestock farms which will drive up the cost on beef/dairy products which will affect EVERYONE and not just the people who make over 200k... which was the class he PROMISED that would be only taxed higher)
4) Our troops are STILL in Iraq.. and the clock continues to tick tick tick

God is good?

QBRanger June 9 2009 11:41 PM EDT


Just like his recent stance on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

Perhaps something critical of him from a more mainstream liberal media outlet would be helpful.

QBsutekh137 June 9 2009 11:42 PM EDT

Ranger, I am not blinded by sheer awe, either. See my post above. I read the whole article (and followup links) when it came out, and was roundly disgusted. Just when I think I can't drag any more disenchantment from myself, I have to dig deeper. And no, that has nothing to do with who is president at any given time.

So what is your point?

I don't go around posting how great Obama is, yet you start threads and add replies to existing threads based on the opposite fact, well, less than rarely.

Who's insulting, in that regard? Do you find trolls insulting?

kevlar June 9 2009 11:42 PM EDT

sorry # 3 minus vegans/vegetarians

QBRanger June 9 2009 11:45 PM EDT

My point:

Does anyone else find it scary that out mainstream media, in certain areas, compare our current president to a deity? And, IMO, are 100% serious about it?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 9 2009 11:46 PM EDT

In every way, not just this one, our mainstream media scares me.

kevlar June 9 2009 11:48 PM EDT

Ranger I do have to give you a little support... thinking beyond my post game 6 drinking right now... on this radio show I listen to a lot of people referred to him as the "messiah".

5 minutes listening to this show on the radio to school, and I'm pissed off for the rest of the day. They tell it how it is.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 9 2009 11:49 PM EDT

"5 minutes listening to this show on the radio to school, and I'm pissed off for the rest of the day."

Ahh I love radio shows like that. Get me pumped up enough to set a few people straight during the day :P.

kevlar June 9 2009 11:51 PM EDT

ya it's great... I hate coffee, so it's a nice substitute :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 9 2009 11:53 PM EDT

if you missed the simile link i posted above, it is a figure of speech used to describe something.

for example if someone states that a jockey and horse came out of the gate like a torpedo, they do not really believe that those two beings are a torpedo. it is simply used to help describe something figuratively. it also does not mean that they are comparing all of the traits of one thing to all of the traits of the other.

in the quote you stated the key is to be found in the "standing above" statement, "as a god" is merely used to describe how he is standing.

QBRanger June 9 2009 11:53 PM EDT


To be fair to all,

That is a far right leaning station.

They use the word "messiah" as sarcasm towards how the left actually think of him. At least some on the left. Like our speaker in the video and the interviewer.

QBsutekh137 June 9 2009 11:54 PM EDT

I despise all icons, and icon worshippers. (No, not in some religious way -- I'm a straight up secular iconoclast)

Yes, the mainstream media, er, should I just say, "the mainstream" has been quite upsetting to me since I was about 17. That was twenty years ago.

So, Ranger, you looking for common ground? Wanna be an iconoclast with me? That's fine, just know that we've gotta bash a whole helluva lot more than Obama in that case. Hell, Obama wouldn't even be on the radar after turning on the TV or driving by a strip mall, would he?

Do you like TV? Strip malls?

kevlar June 9 2009 11:57 PM EDT

No Ranger... I can see what you mean with the Left vs. Right thing with other venues.. but not on this station :) Like I said... they tell it how it is.

kevlar June 10 2009 12:01 AM EDT

*bows down* *sacrifices a beer can* Sut , please don't hit me!

QBRanger June 10 2009 12:06 AM EDT

"Do you like TV? Strip malls? "

TV, certainly.

I was very happy that Weeds is now on its 5th season. Have not yet seen the first episode but it is on the DVR.

Strip Malls?

Sut, bro, I am from Florida. Do I have to say more?

kevlar June 10 2009 12:08 AM EDT

Weeds KILLED my infatuation with Mary Louise Parker >;(

QBsutekh137 June 10 2009 12:15 AM EDT

MLP is hot in Weeds, and I've only seen the first season or so... If you lost your infatuation, maybe it is because you grew, or because she grew older?

Besides, infatuation is iconism. Better off without it. *smile*

Cube June 10 2009 12:17 AM EDT

I found the infatuation of Obama scarier during the campaign. I am now desensitized to it. However, I haven't seen anything major to criticize him for yet.

Interestingly, I saw this article today. Obama has apparently been talking about his faith more than Bush.

kevlar June 10 2009 12:27 AM EDT

nothing about her being hot... but being sexed up on the hood of a car in an alley in season 1... ya gg

QBsutekh137 June 10 2009 12:42 AM EDT

Those parts rub me the wrong way -- just bad writing. I got over the whole "lost little girl" crap-plotting after a half-season of Ally MacBeal. Hm, I guess Ally is the first thing I ever GG-deadlock sealed, so I owe it a thanks for making me see that!

Lord Bob June 10 2009 12:49 AM EDT

"Some sort of god = higher being then humans. Equal to God, same spheel."

There are no beings higher than humans, so forgive me if I reject the comparison to Mickey Mou.., oh, I mean "some god" as offensive, or even relevant to anything actually happening in this country.

"I saw the newscast and though he was very serious about it."

Inflection. Listen to it. It was clearly a critique of the speech rather than a deification.

"Am I now supposed to read into something that obviously was not there?"

Um.. you.. have been.. ?

"I have yet to see an Obama supporter say they have disagreed with anything he has done."

Faith based crap continued from Bush.
Opposition to gun rights (though the Democratic party has shied away from that).
Abortion (yeah, look at that, an atheist pro-lifer).
"Terrorist" detainees (closing Guantanamo is just a bloody symbol. Back the damn principles behind the matter).
The recent Liebermann amendment barring the release of photos (Obama and the Republicans support, Myself and good liberals like Barney Frank thankfully oppose).

"Including MSNBC and their reporters who get chills up their legs when he speaks."

Just because I'm not sure you know: I do reject most of MSNBC as I do Fox Poos, misspelling intentional. I know I mentioned this to you before, but I felt it was important to re-iterate.

"I usually can tell if someone is joking, acting etc.."

Apparantly not.

"He stated Obama would bring everyone together, like God."

He stated that's what Obama was acting like. Now I support his efforts to not act like an nationalistic turd and try for some diplomacy where it is needed and warranted. But really, the comments you're bashing were not what you're making them out to be. They were made more in simile than in admiration or worship.

"As if it takes divine action to do such a thing. And he is likely right on that front. Therefore he is saying Obama is like God."

Uh, no. It takes a guy smarter than Bush and with a fraction of the nationalism.

"And then the person doing the interview at the very end saying "yea" with same admiration in his voice."

You obviously haven't watched much Chris Matthews. He'll say "uh huh" to anything so he can get the other person to shut up long enough for him to hog the camera.
But today, I think the "yea" was in actual - not Ranger fiction - agreement with the speaker, that Obama is trying to "play a god" by trying, at long last, to NOT antagonize the middle east and try to at least partially mend relationships. NOT THAT HE ACTUALLY IS A GOD, WHICH IS RETARDED!

I cannot understand what is so hard to see here. The ONLY thing I can blame this nonsense on is conservative bias. That's really the only excuse here.

"This really is scary to me. Give or take how I personally feel about Obama, this is very scary people are almost diety worshiping him."

Ok, let's say in a fictional world your fears are justified and these people do worship Obama, which in the real world is just plain stupid.

I've seen REAL people wearing shirts and popping off about how Bush - yes, that bum - was the second coming, and how he was going to purify America and return it to a "true" Christian nation.

Now, I know this is a lunatic fringe group, certainly not representative of all religious folk. Certainly not of you, Ranger.

Think of how scared I was. Now compound that with, of all useless trash, Sarah Palin getting nominate VP last election. I had a legitamate scare, that I and other people who reject the nonsense of faith would have our very lives threatened in the next 12 years if this nation took another turn for the religious right.

So really, how do you justify voting against that to me? If you want to talk about fear, think about the fear I saw when the next inquisition was presented right before my eyes.

"Typically we have checks and balances in our country to stop someone from taking too much power. I really have concerns now, given statements like this."

*laughs* Please, Bush enjoyed the support of all three branches of government. THAT was scary.

And there's already signs of the Democratic congress handing Obama a massive legislative defeat over the detainee photo scandal (included in a war funding bill with aid for the International Monetary Fund, which conservatives, including myself, hate).

And the court is still 5-4 conservative.

"And as for disagreeing with Obama -- how about his administration's brain-dead ideas on the continuation of things like wire-tapping?"

Oh, I forgot one!

Sutekh rocks.

"And if you read other people blogs,"

Conservative blogs? Meh...

"1) Chrysler pwned by Fiat"

Please. This was a long time coming.

"4) Our troops are STILL in Iraq.."

Intelligence after election. NOBODY wants them out as much as me (and, you know, the other anti-war nuts). But he needs to adapt after he hears from the generals. NOBODY can keep all campaign promises.

"Just like his recent stance on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Perhaps something critical of him from a more mainstream liberal media outlet would be helpful."

Rachel Maddow from that station you hate recently kicked his butt over this, though gay rights is not my issue and I'm going to stay out of it from here on out.

"Ranger, I am not blinded by sheer awe, either."

Don't you get it? Anyone not agreeing with Ranger is obviously an Obama worshipper. Not supporter. Not even an independant like myself. An Obama WORSHIPPER!!!

"Does anyone else find it scary that out mainstream media, in certain areas, compare our current president to a deity?"

Not in the ACTUAL way they did it, no.

"And, IMO, are 100% serious about it?"

Your opinion is very much not reality here.

Lord Bob June 10 2009 12:52 AM EDT

"Weeds KILLED my infatuation with Mary Louise Parker"

Yeah, she got old.

She was hot at one point though.

Cube June 10 2009 2:47 AM EDT

The real question should be:
Is Obama bigger than the Beatles?


Lochnivar June 10 2009 2:59 AM EDT

Is Obama bigger than the Beatles?

Nope... no way... oh heck no...

More analogous to Paul McCartney's solo career... both got far more publicity than they deserved and in doing so became annoying.

Lord Bob June 10 2009 3:21 AM EDT

"Is Obama bigger than the Beatles?"

Probably not.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 10 2009 8:34 AM EDT

Obama is bigger than Star Wars, baby.

And how did this end up being another "Bash-Ranger-to-death" meeting? Anyway, that clip didn't bother me so much, as about June of last year, I gave up any hope of media un-bias.

QBRanger June 10 2009 8:40 AM EDT

1) Obama is bigger than the Beatles. He is worldwide baby!!

2) MLP is very hot. You have to see season 4 of Weeds when the whole show takes a 180 degree turn. This, Burn Notice, and Californication are the best shows on TV right now.

Californication is a bit more NC-17 but one hell of a show.

QBsutekh137 June 10 2009 9:51 AM EDT

Hooray for Burn Notice and Bruce Campbell! Almost enough to make me want to get cable, or even watch TV for that matter... (almost, but not quite...)

Oh, and Lord Bob RULES!

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] June 10 2009 10:19 AM EDT

Why is this thread even still going?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 10 2009 10:27 AM EDT

MLP is SO damn hot.
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