Mercy of the Gloves (in Changelog)

AdminNightStrike December 3 2009 3:41 PM EST

To show some mercy for the aptly named gloves, they now work for the ELS as well.

[Update]: It looks like originally the GoM were not supposed to work with the BTH either. This hasn't been the case because of a typo. So for the record, the BTH also officially works with it now, even though it always did unofficially.

Demigod December 3 2009 3:41 PM EST

Thanks for the tweaks. They are appreciated.

QBRanger December 3 2009 3:42 PM EST

Thanks for the update.

Will this change anyone from using TGs over the GoM?

If so, please let this thread know.

QBOddBird December 3 2009 3:42 PM EST


Now the GOM and ELS are the best weapon/item combination in the game!!

..okay, not so much, BUT this is a great improvement to 2 items that needed a little love. Thanks, NS!

QBOddBird December 3 2009 3:43 PM EST

Ranger - IDK. I imagine in the upper tiers where PTH becomes extremely expensive per point, it might make it worthwhile. ENC is also an issue though.

QBRanger December 3 2009 3:44 PM EST

Wiki updated with this change.

Demigod December 3 2009 3:45 PM EST


I updated the wiki at the exact same time. Can we get lock-outs when editing?

QBRanger December 3 2009 3:46 PM EST

No worries, I just wanted to link the changelog into the wiki just in case there are future questions.

Something I try to do with each wiki edit if it has reference to a specific changelog.

QBRanger December 3 2009 3:48 PM EST


You may have a point.

Given (+14) $4,404,945 is relatively inexpensive near the top ranks, given the NW of weapons, named gloves at that level would give +30 PTH.

But is that better than +20% more strength, with its increased damage and ENC?

Does anyone know what extra damage 20% more strength would give. I realize this is weapon and base strength dependant, however anyone have a guestimate?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 3 2009 4:01 PM EST

20% more STR should be 10% more damage.

QBOddBird December 3 2009 4:17 PM EST

10% more damage, or a third of an extra hit.

I'd choose the PTH, but again, that's totally leaving out the (important) ENC factor.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 3 2009 4:20 PM EST

I think this might depend a lot on the setup of the tank. Lower str working better with GoM and high str working better with TG. I think this is a real competitor now though.

AdminShade December 3 2009 4:59 PM EST

So the Elven Long Sword and the Blade of Thuringwethil both are considered to be small edged weapons?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 3 2009 5:00 PM EST

no, the GoM has been expanded to include long edged one handed weapons as well

QBRanger December 3 2009 5:00 PM EST

I do not think he stated that Shade.

He just added the ELS and BTH to the weapons that gain a bonus from usage with the GOM.

BHT December 3 2009 5:01 PM EST

Not necessarily Shade, It was just to buff the GoM.

Each + on gloves gives +2 to Hit to the Elven Long Sword, Blade of Thuringwethil [1] and all Short Edged Weapons.

AdminShade December 3 2009 5:02 PM EST

I'd say this to be a nice addition / expansion of the use of the item :)

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 3 2009 5:10 PM EST

Agreed, very helpful improvement.

BHT December 3 2009 5:15 PM EST

<Admiralkiller> NS is it all Long edged weapons or just the ELS and BTH?
<Nemerizt> its all 1h edged weapons now

kevlar December 3 2009 5:37 PM EST

very nice :)

AdminShade December 3 2009 6:39 PM EST

I've added / changed / improved / merged some of the Wiki pages which concern all of this.

Someone should double check though to see if I haven't made a mistake :)

AdminShade December 3 2009 7:03 PM EST

<NightStrike> Shade, a battle axe is a "hafted" weapon
<NightStrike> a great axe is an "edged" weapon
<NightStrike> there is no "axe" class
<NightStrike> a loch is hafted as well
<NightStrike> whip is hafted
<NightStrike> I just changed the great axe to hafted
<NightStrike> thf is hafted
<NightStrike> we also have polearms
<Shade> lochaber and halberds both are polearms then?

<NightStrike> there's arrow, bolt, bow, xbow, edged, hafted, hammer, polearm, shot, sling, and vorpal

AdminShade December 4 2009 7:47 AM EST

All Melee 1-Handed Short Edged Weapons, i.e. those affected by these changes have had their Wiki pages changed and fixed now.

I will be going through all other weapon pages now to fix loose ends and put up some prettification

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 4 2009 9:06 AM EST

"a loch is hafted as well"

Anyone else read that as shafted? ;)

QBJohnnywas December 4 2009 9:08 AM EST

Um. Me.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 4 2009 9:13 AM EST

Phew! ;) I'm glad I wasn't alone!

AdminShade December 4 2009 9:33 AM EST

I bet all QB's read it that way :p

miteke [Superheros] December 4 2009 9:43 AM EST

I'm glad you two aren't alone either - especially with all that talk about ... well, let's keep this PG.
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