Event admin (in General)

lostling December 24 2009 12:11 PM EST

Doesnt anyone think its time we got one of those? I find this sorely lacking in carnage... Mostly we just wish each other merry christmas and what not...

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 24 2009 12:26 PM EST

Everything an admin does something, it's an event! ;)

AdminShade December 24 2009 12:34 PM EST

What would an event admin do lostling?

lostling December 24 2009 7:34 PM EST

well... similar to a tourny admin, plan and implement events tied to "anniversaries" and "public holidays" and such

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2009 7:35 PM EST

hey that is a pretty cool idea.....would be a lot of work though!

lostling December 24 2009 7:52 PM EST

could have more then one like we do now with tourny admins... i mean like every other game has events tied to holidays... carnage is sorely lacking...

ie. christmas presents = random amount between 25k to 50k when fighting or christmas set that consists of an elf hat (0), elf suit (0) and elf shoes (0) when you wear the set it auto changes your character pic into a elf and stuff similiar
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