Why isn't DD level displayed (in General)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] January 28 2010 2:56 PM EST

You can see my weapon NW, you can see my ST, and my DX. You can see everything that affects my damage. But, I can't see yours. Why is this?

AdminShade January 28 2010 2:59 PM EST

Mages are always hesitant to show their true powers? :p

QBJohnnywas January 28 2010 3:18 PM EST

Do they have any power to show? That might be the problem!


QBRanger January 28 2010 3:45 PM EST

In sort of the same vein, why is not the opponents end strength displayed when you hit them with an exbow?

AdminNightStrike January 28 2010 4:10 PM EST

We turned this on for a bit, and then a poll showed that the CB community wanted it off.
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