Attention single minions! (in General)

iBananco [Blue Army] February 1 2010 12:13 PM EST

Please post your exact trained level stats and MPR. Double check for typos please, since I'm trying to get an exact formula.

iBananco [Blue Army] February 1 2010 12:14 PM EST

Also, just in case, make sure you have less than 12 untrained exp remaining.

AdminShade February 1 2010 12:17 PM EST

MPR : 17,625
Hit Points 7,287
Magic Missile 17,000

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] February 1 2010 12:31 PM EST

HP 8001
MM 17094
DM 1000
MPR 18657
9xp leftover.

Wraithlin February 1 2010 12:42 PM EST

HP: 5365
GA: 4464

XP left: 4

Wraithlin February 1 2010 12:43 PM EST

sorry, MPR: 8531

Soxjr February 1 2010 1:04 PM EST

Hit Points : 7,500,000

Strength : 99,249

Dexterity : 1,066,295

Evasion : 1,066,295

Dispel Magic : 5,000,000

Experience : 9

Mpr 2,971,731

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] February 1 2010 2:01 PM EST

Hit Points: 172,740
Dexterity: 570/582 (training mistake <_<)
Phantom Link: 19,716/20,119
Antimagic Field: 114,133/118,580

MPR: 136,039.
Leftover EXP: 10

Picasso February 1 2010 3:01 PM EST

MPR: 4,575,743

Hit Points: 8,130,000
Strength: 5,000,000
Dexterity: 5,000,000
Archery: 2,138,000
Dispel Magic: 5,000,000

Andy February 1 2010 3:01 PM EST

MPR : 1,595,651
PL: 250,027
AMF: 407,155
AS: 6,114,061

Joel February 1 2010 5:05 PM EST

MPR: 3,799,920
Hit Points: 3,000,000
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 20
Dispel Magic: 16,520,447

Sickone February 1 2010 5:30 PM EST

The one in the wiki is off by a negligible amount (due to the rounding of the constants used), is that not good enough ?
I mean, you do know there's a formula about it in the wiki ?
Just thought I'd double-check.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 1 2010 6:30 PM EST

MPR: 4,757,562

Hit Points: 8,000,000
Strength: 5,050,505
Dexterity: 6,096,345
Archery: 4,000,000
Dispel Magic: 3,382,364

Experience: 9

Hope it helps :-D

iBananco [Blue Army] February 1 2010 8:11 PM EST

I mean, you do know there's a formula about it in the wiki ?

I like to be exact.

ScY February 1 2010 9:04 PM EST


iBananco [Blue Army] February 2 2010 12:53 PM EST


Lochnivar February 2 2010 4:59 PM EST

0.2% (or was that 0.02%?) is the typical margin of error on the current formula....
I'm betting 'more exact' is going to be a tough shot.

iBananco [Blue Army] February 2 2010 6:29 PM EST

Bump. Feel free to post again if you've gained at least 10k MPR since your last post.

Salketer [big bucks] February 2 2010 6:50 PM EST

First char:
Hit Points 258,713
Strength 221,490
Dexterity 147,551
Unarmed Combat 340,552
Vampiric Aura 54,082

Score 587,482
Power 492,290
MPR 351,613
Max Tattoo Level 511,164

Second char:
Hit Points 7,461
Strength 20
Dexterity 20
Magic Missile 15,138

Score 17,034
Power 17,152
MPR 16,637
Max Tattoo Level 11,299

Sickone February 3 2010 12:56 AM EST

Hit Points 5,200,000
Strength 2,823,600
Dexterity 980,469
Archery 1,688,898
Dispel Magic 6,596,307
Guardian Angel 284,605

Untrained XP : 8
Total earned XP : 210,885,836

Max tattoo : 8,786,899
MPR : 3,422,142

Mesoshort February 3 2010 1:00 AM EST

Hit Points 1,668,187
Strength 1,180,135
Dexterity 1,018,410
Archery 310,115
Dispel Magic 339,179

XP: 6

Joel February 5 2010 6:50 PM EST

Hit Points 3,000,000
Strength 20
Dexterity 20
Dispel Magic 17,554,484

Rawr February 5 2010 6:51 PM EST

too much dm joel, too much dm. you should untrain some of it ;)

iBananco [Blue Army] February 5 2010 6:52 PM EST

I need MPRs.

Tabaldak February 5 2010 7:06 PM EST

Hit Points: 150,142
Fireball Level / Raw Level: 150,359 / 136,690
PR / MPR: 133,463 / 127,192

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 5 2010 7:10 PM EST

PR / MPR : 7,193,684 / 4,771,330

Experience: 10
Hit Points: 8,000,000
Strength: 5,050,505
Dexterity: 6,192,346
Archery: 4,000,000
Dispel Magic: 3,382,364
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