Scores, MPRs and Challenge Bonus (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 4:20 PM EST

I'm lost as to how this all works.

I target one of those old dodo teams, score half of teir massive MPR, you know the ones that are plaguing the lower game;

Score 116,641
Power 261,328
MPR 261,323

And I'm able to win, with my;

Score 111,582
Power 93,856
MPR 71,326

Quite the feat, right.

But I'm awarded a -5% Challenge Bonus for doing so?


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 6 2010 4:44 PM EST

this is one of the many reasons why i think vpr to vpr is a better determination of rewards and score should be removed entirely. score not only means nothing down low but it is not an indication of success if people aren't fighting with those characters.

QBRanger February 6 2010 4:46 PM EST

Was your PR before you trained?

Also if you attacked the same character a few times, its score drops and unless you update its character you will not see its true score.

AdminShade February 6 2010 4:49 PM EST

was it fairfax?

AdminShade February 6 2010 4:51 PM EST

Big chance you weren't looking at the updated score since with the score you quoted and your PR you would certainly have gotten a positive Challenge Bonus (116k / 94k) of around 24%.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 4:58 PM EST

Yup that was the one.

I took the stats off 'Inspect' after I fought those fights. And looking at the logs, I'm the last person to fight him. :/

(I was training regularily, only had a small fightlist and was training at each full comatose)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] February 6 2010 5:36 PM EST

Did you hit or were allowed to hit "Update Stats" before you took those stats?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 5:43 PM EST

You know, I've never noticed that button before! LoL! ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 5:44 PM EST

But looking back, there was at least three hours between my fights, and the last versus that target. And I picked him up form the general 'Opponents' list, with the score listed.

If he was actually at 80oddK instead, he shouldn't have shown in the tagets I was looking at. :/

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] February 6 2010 5:48 PM EST

The inspect stats only update if someone hits update stats, cash flush or if the player equips something or trains something.

Mythology February 6 2010 5:53 PM EST

Dudemus, I thought the base rewards were still effected a lot by VPR, that is then effected by the Challenge bonus and clan bonus etc? However people just look at the challenge bonus because it's right infront of them rather than working out an avg reward fighting X or Y opponent.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 6 2010 6:25 PM EST

i think that is accurate, but what i was referring to was the score calculation being part of the challenge bonus. it is broken down below as score doesn't mean what it does up top where people are fighting more continuously.

for that matter though, if we are taking score out of the equation perhaps the base rewards and challenge bonus system can all be unified into something more simple.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 6:31 PM EST

IIRC (I didn't record anything) I got around 800XP for fighting this guy. Instead of the 1.8/2K I was usually getting.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 6:39 PM EST

The inspect stats only update if someone hits update stats, cash flush or if the player equips something or trains something.

Hmmm.. Shouldn't his standings in the 'Opponents' list change though? He was showing in 110~K, when he really should have been down in the 80's.

This makes me wonder how many more old relic abandonded teams are actually being misrepresented in the 'Opponents' list.

QBRanger February 6 2010 6:47 PM EST

Characters are updated every cache flush.

During the day, however, one has to manual update stats on characters that are inactive to see their true score.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 6 2010 6:51 PM EST

How are you supposed to do that when wokring thorugh the Opponents list?

Click on every target, inspect them, and update their stats to make sure they're actually supposed to be thier?

But I suppose I'm just going back to the whole "fightlists in CB are clunky and unfun" complaint.

My OP has been corrected, I got a negaive Challenge Bonus becuase even though the character was more than twice my 'power', thier Score had been dropped below mine, and hand;t been updated in the system.

I suppose this is just anothe indication of how Score as a stat is broken, and should be removed from reward calculations.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 7 2010 6:12 AM EST

what if, for the challenge bonus side of the reward equation, we used score or vpr, whichever is highest?

that would be a simple fix that would fix much of the broken lower tiers of the game where tournaments have drained scores with no chance of them coming back. would it be worse off for the higher game though?
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