BUG with regen areas (in General)

AdminTal Destra February 12 2010 6:20 AM EST

According to the wiki I should be in 9/20 right now. I had 145k MPR before midnight and its only supposed to take 142k. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 12 2010 6:35 AM EST

It usually doesn't take effect until after Cache Flush. At least that was the way it was for me.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] February 12 2010 7:57 AM EST

Which is around 4 am server time.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] February 12 2010 8:18 AM EST

The lower one has never been right I'm pretty sure. Look for 9/20 around 180-190k MPR.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 12 2010 8:58 AM EST

Just to reiterate what I said to Tal in chat. I didn't hit 9/20 until I was twice that MPR so that % is definitely wrong. It has to be 4.5-5.5%.

Demigod February 12 2010 9:08 AM EST

We can verify this during the tourney. If anyone can remember to watch for the regen rate change, please post it.

And will someone please add "regen" to the dictionary? We use the abbreviation a lot.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] February 12 2010 9:22 AM EST

It's hard to be exact about it b/c you grow too quickly and jump over the threshold by a large margin. When Nem and I were in the spartan tourney, it was in between 3-4%.

AdminShade February 12 2010 10:54 AM EST

And will someone please add "regen" to the dictionary?
done :)

We can verify this during the tourney.
Can we? We'll have 5 mil exp remember.

Neo Japan February 12 2010 3:04 PM EST


but just out of curiosity. Do you pronounce it (ray-gen) or (re-jen)?

I've always been a Ray-Gen kind of guy.

AdminTal Destra February 12 2010 3:06 PM EST


Demigod February 12 2010 3:14 PM EST

You mean what does it sound like when you add the root "re" to the word "generation"? And you got Ray-generation?

::shakes head::

AdminTal Destra February 13 2010 5:03 AM EST

MPR 178k, and now im in 9/20

good night

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 13 2010 5:32 AM EST

164K and still in 10/20.

Sickone February 13 2010 12:41 PM EST

173k MPR, tournament, in 9/20

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 13 2010 1:19 PM EST

171,715 MPR, still 10/20.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 13 2010 1:21 PM EST

172,106 == 10/20

Sickone February 13 2010 1:27 PM EST

It can only change on cache flush, AFAIK...

AdminShade February 13 2010 1:53 PM EST

10 additional BA are supplied every 20 minutes
PR / MPR : 174,195 / 174,195

AdminShade February 13 2010 1:54 PM EST

173k MPR, tournament, in 9/20
MPR: 174,195 -> 10/20

contradicting stories?

Sickone February 13 2010 3:48 PM EST

Miandrital February 14 2010 3:36 AM EST

PR / MPR : 197,570 / 190,422

Still at 10/20

AdminShade February 14 2010 4:54 AM EST

sickone: you display your score, not your PR...?

Sickone February 14 2010 8:26 AM EST

Yes, I always keep it on score display, is that unusual ?

AdminShade February 14 2010 10:53 AM EST

not at all, I forgot you already had mentioned your MPR :)

AdminNightStrike February 14 2010 4:21 PM EST

You have to display your score; it's not configurable.

AdminNightStrike February 14 2010 4:29 PM EST

Also, first threshold is 3%, not 2.5%

AdminShade February 14 2010 4:46 PM EST

Wiki entry updated

Miandrital February 15 2010 3:23 AM EST

Right now, my t-char is in 9/20 and my regular char is in 10/20.

Both chars are getting 9/20. Shouldn't t-chars be ignored when figuring out the refresh rate for the regular char?

Salketer [big bucks] February 15 2010 3:26 AM EST

I remember ppl exposing that problem, I thought it was fixed??
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