Scuntura Creations (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman February 13 2010 9:23 AM EST

After working hard at any job I've ever had to be the best at whatever I was doing at the time, it has gotten me nowhere. After a month of applying for jobs, I'm told that I'll be hired by Dominos as a pizza-maker and that they'll have me bumped up to assistant manager by my second paycheck (couldn't hire me as one due to me not owning a vehicle)... 2 weeks later, still no call back to go to orientation.

Being not retarded, I kept my eyes open and continued looking for a job until I came across an ad on craigslist ( ). I called the number on the ad, got a next-day interview, then a 2nd interview on Thursday, then started the "trining course" yesterday... During a video played, I noticed the name Scentura, and it struck me as odd. Both because I coulda sworn I'd heard that name somewhere before, and because the group i was working under was called "Regional Management" (a conveniently ungooglable name). A few more red flags were the fact that the guy had insisted twice that they were not a scam. And that they were saying they wanted to open up 25-30 locations in the tricounty area... I don't know much about distribution, but I'm finding it difficult to believe that 25-30 generic fragrance offices could survive in such a small area...

I get home and google Scentura. The first link is to their website. The second is to a link saying to "Watch out for Scentura creations" on a site that really says it all ( )... Through some digging I was able to find that I actually *might* be able to succeed in their two-teired pyramid scheme so long as I was an excellent salesman (which I'm really not...), and didn't mind lying to people left and right about potential job oppertunities so that i could keep them as salespeople without having to actually pay them (unless they bring me buttloads of money first) due to it all being "training".

The salary offered was a lie the whole time. the few that do miraculously make it through training are often surprised to realize that rather than managing a store for a salary like they were told they would be doing, they will be consigned ~$3000 worth of products to sell, and be responsible for putting their name on a building lease, and essentially repeating the process all over again, as the only managing to be done will be managing to interview tons of people, select large handfulls of em, and lie until they either find out what's going on and quit, or are ready to "open their own office" under the same circumstances

And just when I thought I caught a break... On my schedule for today is filling out an app at the waffle house then running down the the Renaissance Festival to see if they need any help for the month... Yay for working just so if you're careful you can break even!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 13 2010 9:31 AM EST

That sucks bro, I really do hope you catch a break.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 13 2010 9:58 AM EST

I had a similar problem here in England a few weeks ago.
I put my CV on where employers can search out people that fit their criteria.
I got a call from Motion Marketing who signed up under The Cobra Group and riding on the back of their success.
I had no idea about them, even after the first interview, assuming it would just be a standard marketing position.
The second interview however had me running for the hills. Door-to-door selling Sky TV (they tried saying it wasn't door-to-door as they didn't go to everyone, just those without Sky, retards).
I already dislike canvassing but the next part of this 'on-the-job interview' was the last straw. Commission only with different 'levels' where by getting others to do the job you get extra commission for theirs.
The funny thing was though that they all seemed to think what they were doing was normal and these sorts of positions are popping up all over the UK as companies are realising they can get away with it.

AdminShade February 13 2010 10:10 AM EST

Bah, such industries sure are a pain in the behind...

Demigod February 13 2010 10:19 AM EST

At least you're smart enough to smell a scam. Sadly, variations of pyramid schemes are in most every sales industry. My first job out of college was supposed to be at a financial planning firm in Atlanta. It's fairly common for firms to make you pay for your own training and testing, then reimburse you after passing the Series 6, 63, or 7 tests. But this place was so shady that I bailed after the first orientation, and another lady bailed halfway through, leaving her leather attache case behind.

Pwned February 13 2010 10:48 PM EST

You were willing to scam other people to profit from them. :( Wow I see you in a different light now.

My girlfriend and I got put in a similar scenario but I could smell the stink at the first interview even though she was really excited about it, so we got invited to another interview but I told her it just didn't seem right. I did some research on them later and found out they are banned in a couple different states. Go me. This was back in 2003.

ScY February 13 2010 11:29 PM EST

"You were willing to scam other people to profit from them. :( Wow I see you in a different light now. "

But you;ve never heard of capitalism?

TheHatchetman February 14 2010 12:55 AM EST

You were willing to scam other people to profit from them.

Who? Me? If I was willing to scam people, I'd be a "great" salesperson :P

Sickone February 14 2010 2:37 AM EST

Door-to-door or street sale of cheap knock-off perfume, with no supervision, no support and no responsability for the higher-ups... what ever could possibly go wrong ?

Out of general principles, always, ALWAYS avoid any jobs where they even mention "sales" or anything even remotely similar anywhere in their ad.

That being said... what exactly are your qualifications/education ?
You might need to (at least temporarily) radically downgrade your expectations (even if you do have some decent qualifications) and try to work several part-time jobs that require unqualified hard and/or demeaning labor, until the economy picks up again.
Well, that, or move back in with the parents to cut down costs, if you even have that option (or if you're not already doing that).

TheHatchetman February 14 2010 2:57 AM EST

My expectations aren't high, i just thought i got lucky... shoulda known better. The ad was:

"Position needs to be fill A.S.A.P.
Must be willing to work Monday-Friday 9-5
Some Sat 9:30 -12
This is not a TELEMARKETING Position!

We are a Wholesale Company with 33 yrs of experience. We are expanding in Dade and Broward.
18-25 Position Available
Various positions are available:

Sr. Manangers:
Must have leadership skills.
Will be responsible for 15-20 people.
Must be willing to work 40+ hours.

Admin/Front Desk Help:
Includes phones
Book keeping

Sales Team Leaders:
Great People skill
Customer service skills A+

Call for Immediate Interviews 786 416-4140 "
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