I'm sorry (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman February 27 2010 7:11 PM EST

for being Drew, and not the person many of you seem to expect me to be.

I'm sorry I absolutely refuse to just "let it go" when I'm attacked without reason or consequence. But I guess the rules have changed haven't they?

I'm sorry utter stupidity just pisses me off, and that I hate ignorant people that want to blame the world for their own failures. Those who know my current standing in life know that it is not pretty. I don't have it bad, but I could be sooooooooo much more. I accept that it is my own fault that I'm not. I do not blame my parents, my friends, society, or some mythical father-figure in the sky.

I'm sorry that I can not, and simply will not "get along" with those I hate. I feel I am a very accepting and caring person. I have friends who are young, old, black, white, rich, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, poor, friendly, anti-social, and everything in between. I have way too much on my plate with those who are worth my effort to bother trying to grin and look nice to those who aren't.

I'm sorry for those who feel bad because they consider me a friend and I can't co-exist with another friend of theirs. It sucks, but it's not that bad though. I consider both novice and Ranger to be friends. I'm willing to accept that their differences are exactly that. THEIR differences. You will benefit from doing the same.

I'm sorry I don't see things your way. No matter how many times we've agreed or disagreed in the past, it has no baring on whether we will afree or disagree in the future. I am willing to accept differences. I am not willing to accept those who don't. I am not you. I can't help who I am, and I won't try to.

Finally, I'm sorry for not being the person you all expect me to be. But I can promise you that I am, and always will be, me.

BootyGod February 27 2010 7:14 PM EST

And I'm sorry I just can't believe it's not butter.

/hug Hatch

QBRanger February 27 2010 7:14 PM EST

I love you too man!!!

Seriously, I really do.

I respect your opinion even when it does not jive with mine.

Keep your head up as you certainly have many good friends in CBland.

Demigod February 27 2010 7:18 PM EST

::pats head::

I don't know what the hell I missed, but you can stop this "Drew" nonsense and go right back to being "Hatch."

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] February 27 2010 7:20 PM EST

Why does he hate me.. :(. Lol, jk, I know how you feel man. Love you too.

SundariZelia [The Knighthood] February 27 2010 7:32 PM EST

Wow, I must have missed something. /me waits for phone call with explanation

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 27 2010 7:35 PM EST

i missed it as well! call me and let me in on the secret. ; 0

Lord Bob February 27 2010 7:45 PM EST

Once again, I have no idea what's going on here.

Only this time I'm sober.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- February 27 2010 8:43 PM EST

SOBER!!!! WHAT!!!!??!?!

Hatch?? This scared me, I thought you were leaving.

Dunno what's going on.

Don't care.

Drama drama.

We <3 Hatch.

Lord Bob February 27 2010 10:17 PM EST

SOBER!!!! WHAT!!!!??!?!

I was at work.

And I have to drive later tonight.

Joel February 27 2010 11:10 PM EST

I knew it while I was writing that post and I will admit it now. I was wrong to blame Hatchetman and CB2 for my problems.
I just made it worse by my threat to Hatchetman if he replied harshly in defense of his views.
I apologize for insulting him and threatening him bodily harm.
Everyone has weaknesses.
Mine are addiction and anger, and I succumbed to both on CB2.
One of my strengths is that I never insist that I'm right if I know that I'm wrong.
I now realize the trouble I have caused by acting out my feelings rashly and I apologize to Hatchetman.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 27 2010 11:40 PM EST

Good on ya

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 28 2010 12:42 PM EST

Tis a hard thing to SAY you are wrong even when you KNOW you are wrong. Even harder to do in public, like nov said "good on ya".

TheHatchetman February 28 2010 1:57 PM EST

Joel, I have gained some respect for you, but tbh, I still don't like ya very much. First impressions mean a good bit, and yours isn't exactly an exception. I do, however, appreciate the willingness to own up and apologize. Perhaps someday we may be able to coexist.

But this particular thread, while about a situation caused by our argument in fact had very little to do with you so much as others who kept messaging me.I was actually a bit aggrivated at a few who kept insisting I just let it go as water under the bridge and be cool with it. One in particular just WOULDN'T drop it. And then when I mention that time of stress aside, there had been no attempt of an apology made, I was told we should both apologize (WHAT?!) So this is what I came up with. I do not like having to own up to some standard that is forced upon me just cuz I'm a good guy most of the time.

To all who thought I was depressed or some such while writing this, I wasn't, though I appreciate our concern.

To those who think I'm a saint, stop it. I will never be what you expect of me.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] February 28 2010 2:19 PM EST

Could you at least get rid of that awful picture of Gun? It wouldn't be saintly, just civil.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 28 2010 2:41 PM EST

But this particular thread, while about a situation caused by our argument in fact had very little to do with you so much as others who kept messaging me. I was actually a bit aggravated at a few who kept insisting I just let it go as water under the bridge and be cool with it. One in particular just WOULDN'T drop it. And then when I mention that time of stress aside, there had been no attempt of an apology made, I was told we should both apologize (WHAT?!) So this is what I came up with. I do not like having to own up to some standard that is forced upon me just cuz I'm a good guy most of the time.

To all who thought I was depressed or some such while writing this, I wasn't, though I appreciate our concern.

To those who think I'm a saint, stop it. I will never be what you expect of me.

Ok I held it in enough, you want to make it public Hatch fine.

/me drops the gauntlet

You know that dammed reason I wouldn't let it go Hatch because you took every freaking chance and opportunity you could to rip into Joel when we had convo. Even when you KNEW we are friends and even when I agreed and SAID he was wrong for what he did. What you got mad at is the fact I said you were wrong too and you were because even when he stopped you continued unabated. No there was not an apology but those do not come at your convenience or want Hatch they come when that other person comes to an understanding inside themselves and decide to take action.

I will go to bat for my friends and doing what you did was an attempt to make me pick between friends which I will not do. Both of you have great points about you and I accept most of the cons that come with them, just as you guys do for me. Understand this what I did for Joel I have done for you and many others in CB and will continue to do until the day I die that is just the kind of person I am.

Get The Hell over it.

I will not now nor will I ever say it is ok to say some of the things you said to me about Joel nor would I say it would be cool to say about anyone. Point blank Hatch it was so back that it offended me more that you even said those things let alone about a friend. Just for the record if you think you were the only one I got onto then think again, Joel and I had it out for about 3-4 days and we didn't speak for almost a week. Yours and mine has just been more drawn out over time is all.

You wanted me to drop it, I wanted you to drop it and told you as much yet you didn't stop so I dug into you. You don't want me to do it again Hatch then stop the dammed crap whenever we talk or just leave the "Joel" subject alone. The person I made friends with seems to go on vacation when Joel is even mentioned in passing. After about 2 weeks of crap spewing from you mouth almost every time we talk I think I get the point of you not liking him. Enough is Enough.

Yes I wish my friends would get along. Yes I wish that co-existence was not garnered by stipulation after stipulation. Yes I wish that the crap would end and life to go on peacefully but alas it is not. What I have asked for again and again and now yet again is when we talk not to rip into Joel and think I am going to sit idly by and say it is perfectly fine. It is NOT fine Hatch.... N-O-T.

You are a good person and a good friend Hatch which is why I have taken the time and had the patience to write this to you. I value our friendship enough to care about it. I am not asking you to change or be me or anyone else for that matter I never did even though that is what you seem to think. What I do expect is for you to be the person I made friends with so long ago and have enough respect for me to stop, at least in conversation between us, when I ask for you to stop when you go on a Joel Tangent.

Honestly I do not think that is too much to ask do you?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] February 28 2010 2:45 PM EST

Thread is no longer a happy lovefest. Take personal issues to PM.

AdminTal Destra February 28 2010 2:58 PM EST

Slayer, they have tried to do it in PM... im guessing they need a mediator that can truly be neutral.

1, 2, 3... NOT IT!

AdminG Beee February 28 2010 3:04 PM EST

We don't do the mediator role here.
If CM's don't work for you then there are a myriad of alternative options that don't need to involve the Carnage Blender forum boards.

I'd vote for a personality death match type option but that's probably not gonna fly for a whole host of reasons.

Keep it off the CB boards though...

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