This will brighten your day (especially you, Nov) (in Off-topic)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 9 2010 3:42 PM EST

I guarantee it.

You're welcome.

renamedname [The Forgehood] December 9 2010 3:44 PM EST

That's so cute. Thank you!

Lochnivar December 9 2010 3:45 PM EST


and to reiterate:

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 9 2010 3:47 PM EST

big dumb smile... I think I need to hug my kitten

Unappreciated Misnomer December 9 2010 4:03 PM EST

i cant watch it, my flash broke. silly ubuntu

Pwned December 9 2010 4:28 PM EST

don't worry your eyes will bleed if you see it anyways

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 9 2010 6:14 PM EST

How could your eyes bleed from something as cute as this.

Lord Bob December 9 2010 6:28 PM EST

How could your eyes bleed from something as cute as this?
Cuteness overload. It bursts the blood vessels in your eyes.

It's kind of like how eating too many doughnuts gives you diabetes and heart disease.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 9 2010 6:47 PM EST

It's true. You can't just jump into maximum cuteness level, you'll die. One has to build up a tolerance to cuteness. Luckily for me, I have an asian girlfriend, so I've been exposed for a long period of time.

Lord Bob December 9 2010 7:08 PM EST

Luckily for me, I have an asian girlfriend,
Pics please.


DoS December 9 2010 7:33 PM EST

Luckily for me, I have an asian girlfriend, so I've been exposed for a long period of time.

Haha, I like this explanation.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 9 2010 7:46 PM EST

That was very cute :-)

I was also prepared got a 2 1/2 Yr old Girl who knows how to use the "awwww" button quite well.....little pre madonna she

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 9 2010 10:33 PM EST


That's my favorite picture of her. She'd kill me if she found out, but she won't. I tried explaining CB to her once, she called me gay. D:

Lord Bob December 9 2010 11:40 PM EST

Wow. I didn't think you would actually do it.

Pwned December 10 2010 12:07 AM EST


Wasn't Ranger's wife supposed to be really pretty too?

Sickone December 13 2010 12:44 PM EST

More cute things :

BluBBen December 13 2010 12:55 PM EST

I think someone said Rangers wife was more hot than pretty. ^_^

Lochnivar December 13 2010 1:01 PM EST

I tried explaining CB to her once, she called me gay. D:

Ha! Try explaining to your date that you can't stay for a drink because you have to buy BA before Money Time starts...

The moral of the story?
Don't schedule dates without considering the realities of BA accrual, XP time, an CPs first.
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