Drink water, get cancer (in Links)

AdminTal Destra December 20 2010 10:05 AM EST

Click me!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 20 2010 11:15 AM EST

They have not figured this out yet after the massive PG&E scandal???!!!


AdminShade December 20 2010 11:43 AM EST

And you weren't worried about the increase in hormones from medicines which sewage treatments cannot remove seeping into the water?

Lochnivar December 20 2010 11:47 AM EST

Unless it is likely to make me miss the 2012 apocolypse I don't worry about anything...

Incidentally, I was studying death statistics and the only link I could find between everyone who has died is breathing... so I'm trying to do that as little as possible now.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 20 2010 11:49 AM EST

Bigger than that Shade is the inability to properly filter Birth Control medicine from drinking water....watch out gentlemen this can steralize you!

Truth to be told ther are millions of things to worry about, the human body is frail. The best thing you can do is to try and stay informed and prepare.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] December 20 2010 11:50 AM EST

this is why i stick to beer! ; )

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 20 2010 11:59 AM EST

You would have to take in a pretty concentrated form of birth control pills in order to become sterilized from them. Also the reason why you would in the first place is because they contain estrogen. So technically you both are talking about the same thing.
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