Sweet PC setup (in Off-topic)

AdminTal Destra January 8 2011 2:28 PM EST

ORIGIN Big O Gaming PC

AdminShade January 8 2011 2:29 PM EST

Now, that's a HUGE case...

AdminTal Destra January 8 2011 2:32 PM EST

Its got both a pc motherboard and a xbox360 or ps3 motherboard as well as quad vid cards and liquid cooling... I think that is as small as the case CAN be.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] January 8 2011 4:05 PM EST

Cool but not really worth it.. Top price tag of $17k.. o.o..

Wait two years and watch all the next gen systems come out hahaha.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 8 2011 4:44 PM EST

Yeah... I want that. Super pricey, but awesome none the less. If I won the lottery I'd totally pick that up just because I could.

Demigod January 8 2011 5:40 PM EST

Pass. As sweet as it is, there's just no value. Even with the $8,000 version, I'd spend most of the time kicking myself for not buying a PS3, 360, high-end PC, huge tv, and a sound system, and STILL having money left over.
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