decay (in General)

Coheed January 24 2011 3:08 PM EST

I think that if your decay gets to the point where its target has 1 HP it should switch targets. I base this on if I were a wizard and my spell was doing nothing to my enemy then I would quit targeting him and hit someone else.

AdminShade January 24 2011 3:15 PM EST

That's the downside of Decay indeed, but I think it would become too powerful if it would be changed the way you propose it. It does sound logical but not everything in CB needs to be logical ;)

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] January 24 2011 3:16 PM EST

I agree with shade.. Currently this is a pretty decent counter to Decay.

Decay has it's place and I don't think it was ever meant to be used as the centric point for damage.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] January 24 2011 3:29 PM EST

Show everyone the true power of decay by getting 100 leadership!

Coheed January 24 2011 3:37 PM EST

Yeah I guess ur right

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 24 2011 3:47 PM EST

Nat... someday I will do just that... someday

Just you all wait for my monster 1 hit ko decay team >_>

Yeah omega, even though I love my decays, I'd have to say that would make it crazy over powered if it auto switched targets.

Lord Bob January 24 2011 3:51 PM EST

I agree with shade..

AdminNightStrike January 24 2011 6:01 PM EST

It'd be funny if you had 100 Leadership withe Decay, and got hit with a 50% AMF.....

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 24 2011 6:05 PM EST

I don't see anything in the wiki about leadership doing anything special to the 1% bonus something that subtracts from the amf effect?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] January 24 2011 6:07 PM EST

no, with 100 leadership and 50% AMF you would do the same as a regular decay with no AMF and no leadership.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 24 2011 6:08 PM EST

NS if you go for that kind of setup, you train your decays 100% so they cant get hit with AMF (with the exception of a few people)

Anyways I will be testing my take on a 100 leadership decay team next tourney with a test char, so we shall have all the answers to this mystery then.

I will be taking lots of notes :)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 24 2011 6:11 PM EST

HG, Decays damage is actually boosted past 50% drain with leadership, it doesn't decrease amf at all. (Based on my testing with my last T-char)

Death's Kiss's Decay hit a maug warrior [13,408,456]

That's my decay hit on Nov with +34 to leadership and nov's amf at 0.00

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 24 2011 6:12 PM EST

hmmm that is neat stuff. Maybe the 4th minion will be a leadership minion instead of a straight up wall.

OT: A decay change I would really like to see isn't even a decay change. Move the TSA regen to the start of a round. Would be very helpful :)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 24 2011 6:15 PM EST

HG, Decays damage is actually boosted past 50% drain with leadership, it doesn't decrease amf at all. (Based on my testing with my last T-char)

That is unreal! No question about it, leadership is an awesome route to take. Super decay GO :D

Coheed January 24 2011 7:42 PM EST

Yeah that's actually exactly what my plan was lulz

QBOddBird January 24 2011 7:44 PM EST

Move the TSA regen to the start of a round.

How do you regenerate damage if nobody has damaged you yet

What you are asking will also cause TSA to lose a round of regeneration

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 24 2011 7:50 PM EST

What you are asking will also cause TSA to lose a round of regeneration


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