im cheap and you are the fountain of knowledge ... (in Contests)

IPoop May 6 2011 6:00 PM EDT

... on a generous day.

What one weblink of wisdom on the whole entire web would you pass on to me and others?
-a paltry 20k (and possibly eternal thanks) from me (and others)

***the urban dictionary link to hobbits counting above 10 and below 12 isnt allowed or political hide and seek champs (A. Frank is rolling *joke gets worse from here on in* sorry!)

Lord Bob May 6 2011 6:04 PM EDT

QBRanger May 6 2011 6:31 PM EDT

Bland I know, but it has everything one needs.

Unappreciated Misnomer May 6 2011 6:33 PM EDT

IPoop May 6 2011 6:55 PM EDT

Transferring permanently the following items to Lord Bob (Lord Bob):

* $20,000

Transferring permanently the following items to QBRanger (The Funkes):

* $10,000
*will send the other 10k in a week (gets 20k imo but non net savvy have a week for catch up - wiki rocks! ... ) *will up to a whole *tight lol* to 15k (thats :S 25k!!(and a thanks!)) for your ultimate wiki link in wiki thats more useful in say something more specialised than total knowledge on the whole area/site

*started reading Woulds link .. got bored had to reread :S XDDD

ransferring permanently the following items to Would you kindly (Why is he in the lead):

* $20,000
*because JD couldnt find db ... and when i clicked the link ... my drunken self had to reread even knowing it was a fail at the first 'wait'

other prizes will be rewarded when im soberererer (bobs link is open still but im scared to click it incase i feel thickerest (:P) before the hangover kicks in

Ankou May 6 2011 6:58 PM EDT

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] May 6 2011 7:24 PM EDT

great tech news site

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] May 6 2011 7:38 PM EDT

AdminShade May 6 2011 7:47 PM EDT

Is this pun aimed against me? :p

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 6 2011 10:01 PM EDT

come play with us! ; )

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 6 2011 10:01 PM EDT

^ oh & i second livescience, love that site!

Sickone May 7 2011 11:26 AM EDT

WARNING : may lead to lost hours, if not days.

Lord Bob May 7 2011 12:28 PM EDT

WARNING : may lead to lost hours, if not days.
Try weeks, months...

Here's another site I'm not allowed to go to anymore because I forget to do things like eat, sleep, etc.:

AdminTal Destra May 7 2011 1:40 PM EDT


Lord Bob May 7 2011 2:10 PM EDT

I'll fix that for Tal.

IPoop May 7 2011 5:30 PM EDT

ive only heard of a couple of the sites before so glad i did this

BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) Tal Destra (Chaotic Endeavors) $20000 5:27 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) Sickone (Occam's Razor) $20000 5:26 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) Admindudemus (damage control) $20000 5:25 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) Eliteofdelete (Sona) $20000 5:24 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) QBPit Spawn (Triumvirate) $20000 5:24 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) Ankou (Iron Fist) $20000 5:23 PM EDT
BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) QBRanger (The Funkes) $10000 5:23 PM EDT

*sent Ranger the rest as bland and well known doesnt rule something out

Thanks people for some awesome links!

BadFish May 8 2011 12:27 PM EDT

no money necessary, I wouldn't use it anyway.

IPoop May 9 2011 2:01 PM EDT

BetOnIt (There Can Only Be One) BadFish (Tonatiuh) $20000 -- cheers! 2:00 PM EDT

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