Nem's Bank CH21 (in Services)
1-10 mil loan 4% flat interest xfer fee included.
11-30 mil loan 7% flat interest xfer fee included. I need good confidence that this will be paid back before I will loan an amount of this size.
31-50 mil loan 10% flat interest xfer fee included. I need to have very good confidence that this will be paid back before I will loan out such an amount.
Delayed Repayment: You can defer the start of repayment of the loan by 1 month for an additional 3% interest added on. Can defer for longer periods of time upon my approval. The normal repayment is at 1 payment by at least 2 weeks after the loan is delivered.
NUB players may also take out loans but will need someone to back you up in the event of a default. This is more important for beginning NUB players rather than ones who have fairly well integrated with game and its society.
Every time you take out a loan your Credit Rating may change. At a CR of +5 and every multiple of 5 thereafter you are eligible to take out a loan of up to 10 mil at only the xfer cost or 1% total interest in other words.
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Thought Crime (db) $10000000 -- Loan increase 9:58 PM EDT
I am increasing Thought Crimes loan by 10 mil as his request.
Funding Available: 6 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,500,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 26,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 12,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Xenogard: Amount Loaned: 20,000,000 Amount Owed: 20,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 16,050,000
Thought Crime: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 55,000,000
Please confirm here again.
Yes Ma'am, Im now maxed out.
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1500000 -- loan pmt 1:34 AM EDT
14,550,000 left
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- Loan Pmt 1:37 PM EDT
13,550,000 left
Based on this thread, my debt has been transferred to duke. However Nat decides to handle my CR is up to her.
Xeno is transferring his debt to Duke.
Funding Available: 9 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,500,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 26,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 12,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Xenogard: Amount Loaned: 20,000,000 Amount Owed: Transferred
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 13,550,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 55,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 20,000,000
Please confirm here duke.
July 13 2011 1:13 PM EDT
Xeno (| Priest of Rathma |)' (Storage Mod 1) $600000 -- For Duke 1:17 PM EDT
Brings Duke down to 19.4m owed which is in line with the price he bought my SoD for.
July 13 2011 1:40 PM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Kamon) $400000 -- 19M left 1:40 PM EDT
Atomicboy (Jamool) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:59 PM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1550000 7:26 PM EDT
12m left
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Tylan (bank) $1000000 -- Loan 8:55 PM EDT
Loaning 1 mil to Tylan
Funding Available: 11 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,500,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 26,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 11,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 12,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 55,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 19,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,040,000
Please confirm here.
July 14 2011 9:06 PM EDT
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 9:29 PM EDT
Thought Crime (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $2000000 -- 53 5:40 AM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:40 AM EDT
11m left
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 7:17 AM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $3000000 12:41 AM EDT
8m left
July 17 2011 12:30 PM EDT
Tylan (bank) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $140000 -- 900k left 12:30 PM EDT
Funding Available: 19 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,500,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 24,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 11,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 53,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 19,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 900,000
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 5:41 PM EDT
7m left
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Tal Destra (Chaotic Endeavors) $8000000 -- From HeroOfGotham 1:23 AM EDT
Loaning 8 mil to HeroOfGotham.
Funding Available: 11 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,500,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 24,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 11,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 7,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 53,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 19,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 900,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
Please confirm here.
July 19 2011 1:33 AM EDT
Confirmed. Will be attempted to pay back post-haste. :D
Atomicboy (Jamool) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:56 PM EDT
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 8:50 PM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 3:02 PM EDT
6m left
July 21 2011 7:53 PM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Imp's Warehouse) $1000000 -- 18M left 7:53 PM EDT
RemorseIsForTheDead (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 52 12:08 AM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 12:28 AM EDT
5m left
July 23 2011 1:08 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Natasha' (Kamon) $500000 -- loan repay 1:07 AM EDT
1m to go
Funding Available: 18 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,000,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 23,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 52,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 18,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 900,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
July 23 2011 6:00 AM EDT
Tylan (bank) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $200000 6:00 AM EDT
700k left
Atomicboy (Jamool) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 9:25 PM EDT
the kitteh preaproves the mewing. ^_^
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Serialkiller (Shinobi Legends) $19000000 -- From Shinobu 2:32 AM EDT
Loaning Shin a total of 30 mil. 19 now and 11 as soon as I have accumulated it in my bank. She is using the discount she got from previous loans with this one.
Funding Available: 0 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,000,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 23,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 9,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 52,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 18,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 700,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 19,000,000 Amount Owed: 19,760,000
Already Confirmed ^_^
RemorseIsForTheDead (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 51 6:47 AM EDT
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 4:03 PM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 5:52 PM EDT
4 left
July 25 2011 11:42 PM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Natasha' (Kamon) $1000000 11:42 PM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:59 AM EDT
3 left
July 27 2011 3:42 PM EDT
Fishead (Fish Tanks) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 3:42 PM EDT
RemorseIsForTheDead (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 50 5:52 AM EDT
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 5:59 PM EDT
RemorseIsForTheDead (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $10000000 -- 40 8:39 PM EDT
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Serialkiller (Shinobi Legends) $11000000 -- From Shinobu 8:50 PM EDT
Adding the other 11 mil to shin's loan.
Funding Available: 7 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
OddBird: Amount Loaned: 6,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +4
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 21,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 9,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 40,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 18,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 700,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 30,000,000 Amount Owed: 31,200,000
July 30 2011 6:00 AM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Imp's Warehouse) $1000000 -- 17M left 5:59 AM EDT
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $2000000 4:06 PM EDT
1m left
Atomicboy (Atomicboy) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 12:03 PM EDT
July 31 2011 2:43 PM EDT
Tylan (bank) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $200000 2:43 PM EDT
500k left
paid in 1.2 mil, kitteh only needs to pay 30 mil now.... and Fahgaws needs to get reset... 79 mil and no sign of any life or payments... is not good for business Nattie....
Gohan (Gohan) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:33 PM EDT
and that concludes our loan, thank you very much :)
Funding Available: 13 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 21,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
Gohan: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +1
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 40,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 17,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 500,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 30,000,000 Amount Owed: 30,000,000
August 3 2011 1:57 PM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 16M left 1:57 PM EDT
August 4 2011 1:42 AM EDT
Fishead (Fish Tanks) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:41 AM EDT
Atomicboy (Atomicboy) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:14 PM EDT
horseguy001 (Black Mesa) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 7:04 PM EDT
Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Funding Available: 17 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 20,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 7,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 40,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 16,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: 500,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 30,000,000 Amount Owed: 30,000,000
August 5 2011 12:30 PM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 15M left 12:30 PM EDT
RemorseIsForTheDead (db) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- 39 4:05 PM EDT
August 7 2011 6:17 PM EDT
Tylan (bank) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $500000 6:17 PM EDT
Paid in full :)
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) King (Epitaph) $5000000 -- Loan 3:36 PM EDT
Loaning 5 mil to King
Funding Available: 15 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 20,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 7,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 39,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 15,000,000
Tylan: Amount Loaned: 1,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +1
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 30,000,000 Amount Owed: 30,000,000
King: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
Please confirm here.
August 8 2011 3:38 PM EDT
Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) $15000000 -- From Sienna, Loan 4:46 PM EDT
I am loaning Sienna 15 mil.
Funding Available: 0 mil
Fuhgawz: Amount Loaned: 57,200,000 Amount Owed: 79,000,000
Coheed: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 40,000,000 Amount Owed: 20,000,000
Atomicboy: Amount Loaned: 34,000,000 Amount Owed: 7,000,000
Fishead: Amount Loaned: 7,000,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Thought Crime: Amount Loaned: 50,000,000 Amount Owed: 39,000,000
Duke: Amount Loaned: 0 Amount Owed: 15,000,000
HeroOfGotham: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
KittehShinobu: Amount Loaned: 30,000,000 Amount Owed: 30,000,000
King: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000
Sienna: Amount Loaned: 15,000,000 Amount Owed: 16,050,000
Please confirm here.
August 8 2011 5:24 PM EDT
Atomicboy (Atomicboy) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:31 AM EDT
August 9 2011 10:16 AM EDT
Duke (Valvalis) Natasha' (Imp's Warehouse) $1000000 -- 14M left 10:16 AM EDT
August 10 2011 1:54 AM EDT
Sienna (Shinobi Legends) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 1:39 AM EDT
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