Black Market Protest Votes, Black Market Overhaul (in General)

someone[onabreak] August 8 2011 8:53 AM EDT

I've asked this before and have not received a satisfactory answer, so I'll ask again. What is the purpose of lodging "protest votes" for worthless items (e.g. Heavy Crossbow)? Is it solely for the humor factor? Just to see how many Hxbows you can spawn? Is it to lash out at a Black Market with unrealistic vote requirements for the low number of players? Or is there some greater purpose? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the issue.

We'd had some ideas a while back on how to redesign the Black Market; I think the best among them was the idea to base the number of votes required on the number of BA used. That way the community could come together and spawn decent items, instead of just 1 tattoo every 2 weeks. Do any of the devs plan on taking any action regarding an overhaul of the Black Market? Or is it just going to remain in its current state forever?

Guardian August 8 2011 8:59 AM EDT

they think itens are already cheap so we dont need anything to be spawned. Some also prefer players sells things than we spawn tatoos they can buy via auction.

that's what i see the most, but let's see what they will say. Gun by example had fun in the past

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] August 8 2011 9:39 AM EDT

with reverts now taking base items, perhaps we will see a few more actual votes in the black market instead of protest votes.

Demigod August 8 2011 11:00 AM EDT

they think itens are already cheap so we dont need anything to be spawned.

That's why I don't vote. Supply exceeds demand.

Phaete August 8 2011 11:27 AM EDT

I can only say why i vote a protest vote, i cannot speak for others.

When a BMVG comes out, i read it, and decide to vote or not based on the general tone. Is it happy, constructive and funny, you have my vote on what you suggest.
If it is 'whiny' like C'MON people why don't you vote, derogative (crossbow is vote for anarchy) or anyway alse destructive, then my vote becomes a protest vote.

NOTE: this is a personal opinion, and i no way a guide for someone else, nor open for discussion if you think i should have a different opinion.

Lord Bob August 8 2011 12:30 PM EDT

What is the purpose of lodging "protest votes" for worthless items (e.g. Heavy Crossbow)? Is it solely for the humor factor?

I'm not going to vote for a useful item when the market is saturated with so-called rares, especially when I have no use for the item myself, or it's bad for my team. "Vote for an RBF!" Uh, I'm weak verses RBFs. If I vote for one my team will come to life and punch me in the face. So if I'm feeling bored I'll vote for something useless or non-threatening, like a crossbow.

So a few reasons.
1.) Too many rares in the market already.
2.) No need to help competition.
3.) Humor.

I have a Black Market overhaul idea, which I will post later.

someone[onabreak] August 8 2011 1:32 PM EDT

Phaete: My apologies if you interpreted my "anarchy" comment as derogatory. I meant it more as tongue-in-cheek meta-satire (You can't really vote for anarchy; it's a contradiction in terms). Of course, if I have to explain the joke, it must not have been funny.

someone[onabreak] August 8 2011 1:35 PM EDT

As a side note, I have voted on, and won an auction for, a Heavy Crossbow. I had my reasons for voting Heavy Crossbow; I am just curious what everyone else's are.

Lord Bob August 8 2011 2:12 PM EDT

I just voted for a Heavy Crossbow. Why? Because of this thread. No other reason this time.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 8 2011 10:02 PM EDT

I like phaete's almost political take. +2 for you.
KY, stop mentioning me like we're in a blame game.

Guardian August 8 2011 10:15 PM EDT

who is KY?
u mad?

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 8 2011 10:18 PM EDT

Guess we are.....

Guardian August 8 2011 10:26 PM EDT

you say by yourself, i am chilling out

Guardian August 8 2011 11:00 PM EDT

wanna play?
so let's play gun, lets dance!
u had more sense of humor in past what happened to ya?

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 8 2011 11:11 PM EDT

Guardian August 8 2011 11:59 PM EDT

nice to see u back o/

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] August 9 2011 12:33 AM EDT

B/c we have to many items in circulation, so I could either not vote, or vote for the Hxbow, sometimes I vote for the Hxbow b/c I'm bored.

someone[onabreak] August 11 2011 10:50 AM EDT

I personally disagree with the statement that we have "too many" items. Until everyone has everything they want, we don't have too many.

Lord Bob August 11 2011 12:08 PM EDT

Until everyone has everything they want, we don't have too many.
And I disagree with this. Rare items should be RARE. It should not be easy to get everything you could ever want for your team. Having a powerful item should be an advantage, not a requirement or expectation.

QBRanger August 11 2011 12:36 PM EDT

And I disagree with this. Rare items should be RARE. It should not be easy to get everything you could ever want for your team. Having a powerful item should be an advantage, not a requirement or expectation.

Unfortunately that horse left the barn years ago.

With the NUB, and all the excess money it gives, new players easily could buy any item they wanted.

With most players, if not almost all, having everything they want, it is more of a disadvantage not to have an item than an advantage of having one.

I still long for the days of CB1, where rares really were rare and as a new player getting my first exec sword was quite a prize.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] August 11 2011 12:40 PM EDT

I personally disagree with the statement that we have "too many" items. Until everyone has everything they want, we don't have too many.

I think we're actually past this point as well. If everyone sold what they didn't use everyone would have plenty of what they need. We're almost to the point where everyone has every item, and many people have duplicates.

Fishead August 11 2011 1:18 PM EDT

Gotta agree on the too many rares thing. I buy them just to play dress up on my unused teams.

Lord Bob August 12 2011 4:10 PM EDT

I still long for the days of CB1, where rares really were rare and as a new player getting my first exec sword was quite a prize.
Yep. The game has lost something special on the road to what it is now.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 30 2011 2:21 AM EDT

Remove the 2 week rule.
Lower vote requirements by 25%.
Remove half the weapons that can be easily found in store or auction for cheap. We shouldn't even be able to vote for Heavy Crossbows.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] August 30 2011 3:40 AM EDT

I actually do personally think that removing the 2 week expiration could help the BM exceptionally. It will allow the relatively small player base to spawn higher end items, since we're basically stuck with tattoos only at this point.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 30 2011 3:42 AM EDT

I'm pretty sure that currently about half if not more of the players don't vote in the BM purposefully or vote only for fluff items.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 30 2011 4:56 AM EDT

I forget to vote half the time, every so often I'll vote for tats if they are close to spawning if I might need them, more often then not I'll waste my vote on the heavy xbow. Its my vote I'll use it however I feel like using it and for whatever reason.

With tats not being able to revert any more, we might see more people voting, but I honestly doubt it. They are still easy to come buy and if you just ask around you are likely to find someone that has one.

I'm all for a rework of the black market system to be honest.
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