Bloodmoon player: A contest for you! (in Contests)

QBOddBird September 26 2011 2:30 PM EDT

In an effort to get our guild bonuses up as fast as possible, I'm hosting a Bloodmoon donating contest - whoever donates the most gold for their level wins 1M CBD from me.

"But OddBird," you say, "higher levels have it easier in gold donations! I can't possibly keep up!" Well, I predicted you would say that! Even before I made this post posting my prediction! I've devised a formula that will turn gold into points, with more points per gold awarded for lower levels and fewer points per gold awarded as level increases. This way, everyone should be on a somewhat even playing field.

I've gone ahead and recorded everyone's donation total. Sometime tomorrow night, or the day after that morning depending on various factors, I'll count up and see who's done the best job of donating everything they can, and I'll send them out some CBD.

If lots of people have done a great job, then there will be more prizes awarded. I want to reward everyone for their effort who puts effort forth. The NUMBER ONE donator by my formula, however, will most definitely receive one million CBD.

Now go donate. ;D

Quyen September 26 2011 2:31 PM EDT

Im in!

Quyen September 26 2011 3:21 PM EDT

starts tomorrow :D

QBOddBird September 26 2011 4:46 PM EDT

No, it starts when I made this thread ;)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 26 2011 5:11 PM EDT

i will donate another 1m to the pot! where do you want me to send it ob?

QBOddBird September 26 2011 5:11 PM EDT

To whoever wins :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 27 2011 12:02 AM EDT

burpage...err bumpage!

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 27 2011 12:06 AM EDT

We should run a weekly contest of like 500k or 1M or something for whoever donates the most scaled money to the clan.

QBOddBird September 27 2011 11:38 AM EDT

Titan - if it actually works, and we receive a significant increase in donations, then that's not a bad idea at all. :)

Quyen September 27 2011 11:53 AM EDT

hmm.. im already at 29K.. if i had 1 day more i would've had 35K+- :D

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 27 2011 12:07 PM EDT

Well up to the powers that be on this thread but I will donate my BM char to whoever is determined worthy. It is a level 54 Char!

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 27 2011 1:01 PM EDT

So, when exactly does this end?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 27 2011 1:08 PM EDT

tonight or tomorrow i believe, from this:

Sometime tomorrow night, or the day after that morning depending on various factors, I'll count up and see who's done the best job of donating everything they can, and I'll send them out some CBD.

QBOddBird September 27 2011 5:27 PM EDT

There isn't an exact time, but either later tonight or tomorrow morning before I head off to class. There's still time to get in your donations for the contest, right up until the point when I post and say "I've recorded all donations thus far, time to tally up the points!"

And yes, I'll say exactly that. Plus or minus a few words at the beginning, middle, or end of that sentence. Also possibly plus a sentence or four.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 28 2011 4:05 AM EDT

Cool, glad I'm just now seeing this contest. Doubt I will win.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] September 28 2011 8:09 AM EDT

Does this include all my previous donations? :P

QBOddBird September 28 2011 10:03 AM EDT

Alright, we've reached the deadline! I've recorded all donations thus far, time to tally up the points! Good job everyone, our Treasure and Library bonuses got a great boost!

GL: Nope, for the purposes of this contest, I recorded the donation amounts at the time we were starting and then recorded the donation amounts at the time the contest ended. It was more of a fundraiser run.

QBOddBird September 28 2011 10:42 AM EDT

Great job everyone! I've finished tallying up the points. The top scorers/donators this round were:

xenogard - 5576.56 points
zenai - 4595.0 points
bloodsho - 4158.79 points
titan - 3906.25 points
dudemus - 3670.92 points
guardion - 3277.84 points
quyen - 2885.32 points
gohan - 2854.67 points

This makes Xenogard the winner of our donation contest and the two million CBD prize, with 118,000 gold donated over the past 44 hours at level 46! Congrats, Xeno!

QBOddBird September 28 2011 10:49 AM EDT

QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) $200000 -- congrats! 10:48 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) noidraug (Noid) $200000 -- congrats! 10:48 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Gohan (Gohan) $200000 -- congrats! 10:47 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Quyen (Results) $200000 -- congrats! 10:46 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Admindudemus (damage control) $200000 -- congrats! 10:46 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Titan (Rubicon) $200000 -- congrats! 10:46 AM EDT
QBOddBird (Gyaxx) Xenogard (Piper at the Gates) $1000000 -- congrats! 10:45 AM EDT

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 28 2011 10:55 AM EDT

Not to sound like a spoiled sport but I donated 130K before 9pm last night and another 9K before 7am today. Just pointing out your numbers are wrong.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] September 28 2011 11:03 AM EDT

"But OddBird," you say, "higher levels have it easier in gold donations! I can't possibly keep up!" Well, I predicted you would say that! Even before I made this post posting my prediction! I've devised a formula that will turn gold into points, with more points per gold awarded for lower levels and fewer points per gold awarded as level increases. This way, everyone should be on a somewhat even playing field.

Sorry Zen

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 28 2011 11:13 AM EDT

Ahh fair enough. I was looking more at the total amount donated. He said highest wax 118K when I had donated 139K. No biggie ;-)

Quyen September 28 2011 11:17 AM EDT

dang i just had 55K :P

QBOddBird September 28 2011 12:46 PM EDT

Ahh fair enough. I was looking more at the total amount donated. He said highest wax 118K when I had donated 139K. No biggie ;-)

No problem Z, I correctly recorded you as having donated 139k. It is easier to acquire 139k at your level than it is at Xenogard's level, however, which my formula takes into account, and so he ended up with more points. You still donated a great deal of gold, though, and I have sent you a contest winnings of 200k as well. :)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 28 2011 12:53 PM EDT

I think the numbers might need to be tweaked more for the next contest, according to all the numbers you posted, I could have donated all the money I made and still not got second. This is including the fact that I used like 10 adre pots during the contest and had speed up the entire time.

QBOddBird September 28 2011 1:17 PM EDT

You also started late, Titan, given that you joined the clan after the contest was already underway. The numbers may need tweaking, but that's probably because I do not know how gold earning scales with level; but here's what I was looking at for those top donators:

dudemus - level 49, started at 65673, finished at 153812 - 3670.92 points
xenogard - level 46, started at 32000, finished at 150000 - 5576.56 points
zenai - level 55, started at 100000, finished at 239000 - 4595.0 points
bloodsho - level 23, started at 0, finished at 22000 - 4158.79 points
Quyen - level 37, started at 60000, finished at 99500 - 2885.32 points
gohan - level 34, started at 34200, finished at 67200 - 2854.67 points
guardion - level 31, started at 16500, finished at 32000 - 3277.84 points
Titan - level 32, started at 0, finished at 40000 - 3906.25 points

You and Bloodsho were at a disadvantage, having started during the contest instead of being there when it started.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 28 2011 1:18 PM EDT

I was there when it started. I joined when it just started. Maybe you should go by people's starting level, or the average of their starting level and finishing level. B/c while I was level 32 when it finished, I was like at level 17 when it started.

QBOddBird September 28 2011 1:22 PM EDT

Ah. I didn't know when you started during the contest; I just noticed that your name showed up on the board, and started keeping track. The first recorded level we have for you on the googledoc is level 20, so it would have been off anyways. I certainly didn't expect a formula that I hashed together in an effort to preserve fairness to be perfect on the first try, so hopefully this will provide a basis for improvement in the future. I'll take that advice and use the average of the starting + finishing level if we do this contest again. :)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 28 2011 1:26 PM EDT

Yeah I am in no ways upset, our guild is kicking some you know what. I do think that blood literally gave everything he made to the guild. Although he did start a little late.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] September 28 2011 1:50 PM EDT

Blood is simply playing to help us out since the game is less 2 weeks old, his runs have been purely to donate ~95% of his money to the clan to ease the amount of donations we require from the rest of our members, especially since its still early in the game and people aren't gaining money as quickly yet.

He's been doing nothing but money quests, and surprisingly had only lost a handful of quests even with the char being almost completely gimped. Which makes me think that my assumption that heavy XP quests are indeed much harder then money quests as the monsters from those always seem to be stacked, and I've lost a TON of quests that were heavy XP based or had amazing rewards.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 28 2011 1:53 PM EDT

Which makes me think that my assumption that heavy XP quests are indeed much harder then money quests as the monsters from those always seem to be stacked, and I've lost a TON of quests that were heavy XP based or had amazing rewards.

I am of this belief as well.

Demigod September 28 2011 1:59 PM EDT

Ditto for quests with great drops.

QBOddBird September 28 2011 2:07 PM EDT

Ditto for quests with great drops.

Make that triplitto

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 28 2011 2:42 PM EDT

so i send the 1m to xenogard, correct?

Quyen September 28 2011 3:37 PM EDT

if u send it to the winner, its Xeno.
Otherwise send it to me! :D

noidraug September 28 2011 6:03 PM EDT

arigato gozaimasu :>

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 28 2011 6:24 PM EDT

Admindudemus (damage control) Xenogard (Piper at the Gates) $1000000 6:24 PM EDT

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] September 28 2011 6:27 PM EDT

Thank you :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 28 2011 6:33 PM EDT

you are welcome and thanks to everyone for all of the donations, we rock!
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