I'll pay you to participate in my Research Study (in Off-topic)
I'll give you 25k for participating. It only takes about 10 minutes or so, and it's basically just a bunch of trivia.
Reply here with your intention to particpate and I'll send you the link.
Thanks everyone!
This is for a school project I made, in case you're wondering. hehe
I'll help mate. No need for the 25K. ;)
June 8 2012 2:28 PM EDT
I'll help if I can, send me the link too.
and no need to pay me
Right in time Lamu, you got in. Research study is commencing. As soon as it's over I will share the results with you all. Until then please do not share anything from the study. Thanks :)
i'll help you out fex no need to pay me either
still need help? No need to pay. Just send link
I think he only needed one more as of yesterday. I grabbed the last link in Chat unless he decided to open it up for more people to participate. :-)
Thanks for all your help people. I don't need any more data, but since I am still working with the data in the database, a few more data points won't hurt me, so I'll send out a few more links in a little bit.
June 9 2012 3:00 PM EDT
I've used this thread title as a pick-up line....
Does it work even after you admit you're testing ED treatments?
June 10 2012 11:18 AM EDT
Does it work even after you admit you're testing ED treatments?
It doesn't often come up...
I'll give it a shot. Please send over the link
Okay everybody. Here is the presentation I'm giving tomorrow in class regarding this research study I had you all take part in. It was slightly hurriedly made, but it gets the point across.
Feel free to rip it apart! ;)
How Does Google Affect Memory?
Up front: did you tell those who would have access to Google that they would have access to Google? Knowing you can just look it up later does or does not have a material effect on how closely you read the factoids?
Had access.
Didn't use it.
Got every one right?
And speedily?
Well if it helps with what Bast has brought up I was already too distracted with wife and kids to do that trivia quiz and do a google search. So I just quickly read and answered from memory.
Yes Bast, everyone who participated was told before they looked at the trivia they would have access to Google.
Not mentioning the Google access up front is probably better design tan telling everyone and lying to half the participants?
I wasn't told about google access. I think only those half with it were.
I wasn't needed for this but I looked over the power point and I started laughing when I saw the first question and the google button.. cause I probably would have used google anyway >_<
It has infected my mind..
If this was for testing short term memory.. well mine is completely shot.. my long term is fantastic though :)
Interesting stuff to say the least.
If it were really a short-term memory test, he would need to incorporate age & alcohol-usage metrics into his design. I remember things far better than Beee, and that has nothing to do with Google.
Not falling into that trap... ;)
Bast out drinking a Scot?
Dammit! :P
June 14 2012 7:23 PM EDT
Bast with a typo? Must be out drinking a Scot.
Congrats GL!
I noticed the typo when I last posted.. why did I not call that out XD
June 15 2012 4:02 AM EDT
I probably would have thought twice and not pointed it out, but the two double shots of Jameson took over.
You could have used google?
I specifically didn't cause I thought that was the point.
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