BUG Found Alatar Gloves-Decay (in General)

{EQ}Viperboy November 12 2012 5:34 PM EST

I equipped +12 alatar gloves to a minion with decay and my raw effect drops down to 0, even though it is supposed to boost DD damage +1% per +, so +12. When I equip the gloves my raW LEVEL IS 25,390 AND with gloves goes to 28,436, but where it says "effect" it says .5, but after equiping gloves the column under "raw effect a "0" appears. When I attack targets, it says minion does no damage to minions I was doing damage before. I haven't reached my encumberance, which is at over 5 million and the gloves NW only 1.4M

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] November 12 2012 6:25 PM EST

Double check your encumbrance on that minion. 25k raw levels on the decay minion alone doesn't sound like enough to hold that much NW.

By my calculations that minion only has ~195k encumbrance on it. Which means you are way over the ENC limit for that minion (each minion has its own ENC limit)

Decay wont work if you are over ENC with that minion. That's the only explanation as I use decay all the time and I was using it with AGs a little over a week ago, and I highly doubt NS tweaked Decay in the last week.

{EQ}Viperboy November 13 2012 2:41 AM EST

I thought ENC was for the whole team and shared, rather than individual minion. There seems to be no way of seeing what the encumbrance level for individual minions is. That minion is newly trained so that would explain it if its true.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] November 13 2012 3:23 AM EST

Enc actually shows on the "equip" page. Each minion tab, at the bottom, shows the total encumbrance the specific minion can hold.

TH3 C0113CT0R November 13 2012 4:07 AM EST

lol, 7 years and your just learning about ENC :P

{EQ}Viperboy November 13 2012 4:13 AM EST

oh shoot, you're right again, I assumed it was displaying it for the team but it is for each minion. gotcha!

HaHa, yea still learning. Stopped playing for a year, so forgot some stuff I guess.

TH3 C0113CT0R November 13 2012 4:18 AM EST

lol, no worries, just razing ya! I'm still learning stuff about the game too.

Thug [Sponge] November 14 2012 7:51 AM EST

I have to ask the double stupid questions.

1. Doesn't decay do half the hit points damage to the minion up each hit no matter what the level trained?

2. Would not the only damage increase be to the minion using decay from anti magic field because of the ag.

unless i missed this minion is junction-ed to a familiar.

could just be my low level of understanding game mechanics.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] November 14 2012 9:15 AM EST

I have to ask the double stupid questions.

1. Doesn't decay do half the hit points damage to the minion up each hit no matter what the level trained?

Only vs opponents without AMF. If the opponent has AMF you'll get 100% backlash with a base decay if not using NSCs, and even with NSCs it wont do half damage but you'll still get backlash (Just like any other DD spell). Hence the reason why I like to train my decays.

Quote from the Wiki: "AMF When used versus Decay is based upon the AMF % multiplied by 1/2 of the opponent's Hit Points at the time of casting."

2. Would not the only damage increase be to the minion using decay from anti magic field because of the ag. Unless i missed this minion is junction-ed to a familiar.

I'm kind of confused what you are asking here. Could you clarify?

In viperboy's case his AGs were way too big and it canceled out decays effect and made it 0 which converts 100% AMF backlash damage to his own minion. No familiar was junctioned, and even if there was the familiar is just treated like another minion.

could just be my low level of understanding game mechanics.

Decay's mechanic takes a lot of getting use to, along with a few other mechanics, but everything comes with time.

Sickone November 14 2012 9:23 AM EST

Familiars are never bothered by encumbrance on the minion carrying them. Feel free to over-encumber the carrier minion with as much of anything you like, the full benefits will be passed on to the junctioned familiar. The minion itself will get the full encumbrance penalty though, so it's best to only use stuff that does not care about encumbrance (EDs, EOs, raw HP, stuff like that) on that minion.
Also, IIRC, junction in its current form only carries over the beneficial effects, not the negatives (if any).

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] November 14 2012 9:25 AM EST

^ That is correct
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