What is your favorite Drink? (in Off-topic)

Bounty Hunter December 21 2012 2:26 AM EST

Just as the subject line suggests post your opinions here with your personal justification?

/me Bud Light

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] December 21 2012 2:32 AM EST

Bells Two Hearted Ale is probably my favorite beer. I just really enjoy IPA's and it's a good one.

There's a local whiskey called Templeton Rye, distilled about an hour from where I live that's probably my favorite hard alcohol.

Bounty Hunter December 21 2012 2:33 AM EST

I like Bells also being from Michigan and all. Good choice sir!

Achertontus [Sneezels] December 21 2012 3:40 AM EST

Rum rum rum a boat full of rum!!

Unappreciated Misnomer December 21 2012 5:24 AM EST

Beer: Keiths - make with the best water this side of the rockies!

Liquor: dark rum

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 21 2012 5:30 AM EST

Honey Mead by FAR is my favorite!

Although Cherry Southern Comfort is a very Close Second with just about everything else coming in at third.....rofl

Demigod December 21 2012 5:38 AM EST

Bud Light

::slams head on desk::

See if you can locate a craft beer shop (real beer that's not flash-brewed using rice). The difference in taste is stark. Two Hearted is nice, but I generally prefer Stone's line over Bell's. It just depends on whether I'm in the mood for Stone's notorious bitterness.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] December 21 2012 9:38 AM EST

Not much of a beer drinker (gives me headaches within minutes of drinking it) However give me some good whiskey and I'll be happy.

Octavian [Bojangles] December 21 2012 10:16 AM EST

Woodchuck or dark rum. Delish. Also, Rum Chata. It's Christmas in your mouth.

Neo Japan December 21 2012 10:39 AM EST

Bryne Dairy Holiday Nog. It's tasty like Egg Nog, but no eggs, so its thinner and a lot less calories. Other problem though. Drink a lot of it and you will have to visit the bathroom.... Why are u so good?!

Bounty Hunter December 21 2012 2:36 PM EST

/me smiles at Demigod

Thank you for calling me out on my sarcasm :) Actually my favorite drink is a good old Guinness Black and Tan. This year I went to Vegas and went to a restaurant called the "Yard House" I highly recommend it over 200 beers on tap from all over the world. The kegs are tapped in over head with stainless steel piping, and the taps surround the bar. Not to mention the food was great!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] December 21 2012 2:55 PM EST

Demi I do like Stones Arrogant Bastard. It's a good beer. There's a few craft lines that I always pick up around the holidays. We have a local brewery as well called Backpocket Brewery that makes some good beers if you ever see it around.

AdminG Beee December 21 2012 3:44 PM EST

Depends on the mood and the occasion.

Highland Park - great drink to savour and not guzzle. Poured over a single ice cube with a dash of water if your taste desires.

Scotland has been brewing beer for 5,000 years and although I've not been drinking it that long I'm certainly a fan. A pint of "Heavy" also known as 70/- (said as 70 shilling) is my favoured drink although I'm pretty partial to a 80/- (Export) as well. Both are dark beers and really lovely.
A great refreshing drink in a roadside cafe/bar on a hot sunny day is Desperado. It's a pale lager with a wee bit of tequilla flavour. I discovered that years ago - long story...

Brandy shandy - Pretty much any old brandy mixed with lemonade to make a nice easy drinking "brandy shandy". I like this drink when a day/night session turns into an endurance test and prefer it for the volume and not the quality.

Lastly, I always keep a Captain Morgan's spiced rum in the drinks cabinet. Why wouldn't you..?

IPoop December 21 2012 3:58 PM EST

Jack and coke (though these days when i do par take its Jack and diet coke to my shame lol).

with all these posts about rum (and the fact pirates are cool) this christmas i am going to learn to like drinking neat rum - cheers guys and girls!

Unappreciated Misnomer December 21 2012 4:04 PM EST

I wrote my 3rd year carpenter apprentice exam this morning. I bought a bottle of the Kraken black spiced rum, jameson irish scotch, and chivas regal 12 year scotch. Going to be a good night for me and my friends.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] December 21 2012 4:08 PM EST

mmm jameson.

Fishead December 21 2012 9:26 PM EST

Highland Park - great drink to savour and not guzzle. Poured over a single ice cube with a dash of water if your taste desires.

Highland Park is the reason I drink Scotch, and whiskies in general.

j'bob December 22 2012 12:43 AM EST

oh... beer... me loves the beer. I used to love Jack neat. Room temp and all. Those days are over. Then I loved Jagermeister .. ice cold. Oh drank it like water. Those days are over. I think, I don't recall exactly.

I'm a big fan of the Lagunitas line. I got a hold of some of the seasonal Brown Shugga and wow. So smooth and delicious. But the Sumpin Sumpin is likely my overall favorite.. very hoppy... tiny bit bitter.

I like seasonal beer runs, as it helps me venture out into new things. Rogue makes Santa's Private Reserve ale. beeradvocate.com has a nice description that I pretty much think is spot on.

For a good heavy beer... Lagunitas Cappucino Stout. coffee and beer. OH. MY. GOODNESS.

(i can find no cake beer)

Redemption [Axis of Evil] December 22 2012 12:53 AM EST

Lately one of my favorites is this Ethiopian mead called Tej which is very good. However it is difficult to find and even harder to find good stuff. The best comes from a local restaurant in Dallas that brews their own but they make it in batches so you have to be lucky to get it. I tried many other meads but nothing comes close.

Sickone December 22 2012 4:43 AM EST


Adminedyit [Superheros] December 22 2012 6:00 AM EST

For beer I enjoy a nice cold Samuel Adams Boston Lager. I also like many of their seasonal brews, with the Oktoberfest being my favorite of them.

For liquor, I really enjoy Eagle Rare, 17 year old, single barrel, either neat or with 2 cubes of ice. (every year around this time I spoil myself with a bottle of this) Jamesons neat or with a splash of ginger comes in a close second.
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