We need a tourney (in General)

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 5 2013 11:59 AM EST

Last one I participated in was April, and I know I missed one when I moved out to Colorado.. But that was almost 6 months ago.

So we need to have a tourney for fun.

Bounty Hunter January 5 2013 12:58 PM EST

I suggested an idea for one a week ago only NS and Z even posted so either it was a lousy idea or no inrterest or both. Either way we need to start generating ideas and trying new ones.

Fishead January 5 2013 1:29 PM EST

Haven't been burning all my BA lately, but I'll sign up for the next tourney.

Unappreciated Misnomer January 5 2013 2:10 PM EST

it would be nice

Mystical Ascendance January 6 2013 10:08 AM EST

Would definitely be great to see a tournament happen.

AdminNightStrike January 6 2013 10:21 AM EST

I support the idea. We need active tournament administrators.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 6 2013 1:45 PM EST

Well there are several members that are active right now that have a strong knowledge and understanding of the game. Maybe pick a few and Poll them?


are a few that come to mind that fit the bill imho.

Thug [Sponge] January 6 2013 8:02 PM EST

Ok the five of them should draft a team. No from your own clan. Like 3 to 5 person team.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] January 7 2013 12:58 PM EST

/me Volunteers

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] January 7 2013 10:30 PM EST

I think Xeno would be a great tourney admin personally. Vast knowledge of the game and a consistent player.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 8 2013 6:35 AM EST

Thumbs up for Xeno

Bounty Hunter January 8 2013 8:22 AM EST

Xeno is my choice.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] January 15 2013 3:47 PM EST

bump for xeno tourney admin.

Octavian [Bojangles] January 15 2013 7:32 PM EST

I vote Xeno.

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] January 15 2013 9:53 PM EST

Well, Xeno, you have an entire army supporting you now, lol. Better do it. XD
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